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What’s Coming in 2020? Top 7 Predictions for the SxS World

Teaser: we predict more value for potential buyers in 2020.
Do we think horsepower numbers will increase, as well as suspension performance? Yes, we do. Will we see a “game changer” SxS that will shake up the market? Maybe not. But we do think that the customer will be getting more performance for their money in 2020. A popular topic, is the price of these vehicles continually rising, which is fair and valid. But there’s also been significant performance increases to justify those prices increases, in many instances. A 2017 RZR Turbo 4 was $27,500, and today, a 2020 RZR 4 Turbo S Velocity is $25,200 with significantly better suspension, wider stance, beefier driveline, much better tires, harnesses, and more. The same can be said for Can Am models. The market is expanding, and the performance has become so good, that these top tier machines are eating whoops at speeds only Pre-runners could do, climbing rocks only built Jeeps could once tackle, and duning at speeds that only sand cars could handle. Most importantly, with more manufactures launching models, and more models to choose from than ever before, the customer really has a maze to navigate, when considering a new SxS. Are you a mud guy? You have a few solid options, or thousands of aftermarket upgrades to build your own. Only play in the rocks? Same thing. Here are or thoughts on where we think the market is heading this year.
What’s happening Nick Olson Chupacabra off-roaders today we’re talking side-by-side market predictions for 2020. So looking back 2019 was a really big year definitely the industry change in a lot of different ways first off with some new model releases starting off Honda talent hit the showroom floors this year with two different variations of the Talon the R in the ex model and later in the year they launched a 4c versions with Laval suspension which was really cool and interesting so after the Honda releases the long-standing rumor of the Kawasaki ins of being true Cowie comes the market with the new care x1000 which is another really solid option in the non turbo market later in the year Polaris launches their new 2020 lineup which features their all-new chassis the Pro X B so this is a big deal a long time coming a lot of expecting a new chassis from Polaris and then they also follow up quickly with a four seat model with some pretty cool features also in 2019 at the sansho Robby Gordon and speed announced their xx xx which theoretically isn’t a brand new side-by-side but when you think about it they’ve kind of basically broken off from artic at Textron whatever they call themselves these days tracker and launched a new model two seater four seater 72 inch wide 77 inch wide with some features and price point that we hadn’t seen before so in my opinion that counts as a new competitive offering we’ve been all hoping for this Wildcat four seater for a long time but now looks like it’s gone into production and on paper it looks amazing $32,000 a lot of horsepower a lot of suspension and rounding out the year for the 2020 model offerings I think km really took the top honours I think the x3 has been on top of the market it’s the horsepower King bumping up to 195 horsepower the X RC version looks awesome it’s a nice high-end offering and it’s also km’s first side-by-side that launches with 32 inch tires so can I made some improvements addition with the suspension and the right height a couple other small things and and it’s hard to beat what they’re doing with a performance standpoint with their suspension and horsepower so how many inside information but these are my predictions for what’s gonna happen in 2020 starting off prediction number one we’re gonna see some 72 inch wide models at lower now we already saw a little bit of this last year with Polaris launching the turbo Wesson or velocity addition and can-am launched their RS turbo car model which is a value 72 inch play now what’s funny thing about this industry these brands will launch these lower end price points and most customers still undoubtedly go for the top dollar I mean everybody loves the XR see that type of model is really well executed by can-am because with the special colorway the customer that buys that you know knows and he knows everybody knows that that is the top dog and he’s got the best offering that exists so while that will always be big deal I think there’s a lot of customers that have 64 inch they do want to upgrade or they’re at that price point in the lower 20,000 s where they do want the 72 inch wide they don’t want to upgrade the old 64 to long travel it’s kind of already worn in not as beefy as these newer 72 inch options and I think we’re gonna see more of these offerings from Polaris and from can-am so like I mentioned these are he exists but what I think we’re going to see is more future benefit for the money I think more of a trickle down from the top level models down to this more affordable lower twenty thousand price point into and for seat foam cannon and Polaris I think with the competition being so heavy you might hopefully see some extras launched with 32 inch tire stock come clutch with a big beefy heavy real tire same thing with Polaris that can offer maybe a little bit more they probably need to because the can-am stacks up really aggressively against it and there’s a lot of things that I can add a little bit more horsepower a more stylish roll cage nicer seats certain things that I do players want to counteract and offer without increasing the price so I think you’re gonna see more of that coming in 2020 prediction number two the speed xx xx does not come out until 2021 now I’m not a hater I really think this car looks amazing a big part of me wants to put down the deposit on it right now I mean when you look at the specs $32,000 77 inches wide 225 horsepower with some options to go even bigger not to mention it’s got a great wheel base 120 inches it’s a really good looking car with full door a roof a cage it’s a lot beefier than any other OEM there’s so much on this car that on paper to me seems like it’s almost a no-brainer but you know after talking to the guys even more recently at a local show there still hasn’t been the exact confirmation of which exact motor is it gonna be is it going to be a z1 is it a Chinese main z1 which shocks are gonna be on it are they gonna be kings foxes a Robby Gordon Edition which he’s mentioned you know what is it and and just going through the process that these manufacturers have to go through to get things cleared homologated I mean I know his plan speeds plan was to deliver 250 of these vehicles at sansho what you think about it’s not that far off it’s really only about eight months away the details seem vague I really hope they deliver I really think it’s gonna be a big deal and if this car does come into fruition no matter what Canon where Polaris does for their 2021 model release this car is gonna be awesome so I don’t know I might even still put a deposit down on one honestly I think the car is the same price virtually that I paid for my turbo less but you know a lot of benefits it’s wider doesn’t have dynamic suspension but I think it’s got a lot of great things going for it so we’ll see I hope they deliver I just think it’s too big of a task I think they could get maybe slow down and then honestly do I still want to buy the first year you know if they rush it to get it here before the sands show is it gonna be completely buttoned up and ready to go I mean theoretically the car has already existed as an artic cat but what these changes are pretty significant so I’m hopeful I want it to happen I just at this point time I think they’re gonna have to move and they have to hang tight and snick it’ll blow over until 2021 prediction number three we’re gonna see more Fox live valve suspension on another OEM and the obvious suspect you think would be can-am they’ve been using almost exclusively Fox suspension for quite a while now they have my perception kind of a high-end market the high-end customer even more so than the Polaris RZR customer why not give them this exciting technology that we’re big fans of that a lot of people seem to really be enjoying on there eraser dynamics and now even the Honda Talon the Honda released in our talent live valve definitely goes to prove that Polaris’s exclusivity has ran its course so I’m sure there’s a lot that goes on behind that as well as paying fox a licensing all these type of things but ultimately I think it’s technology that people are excited about we’ve seen some prototype stuff from King other competition we think it’s the future it only makes sense that can-am gonna have it I mean shock therapy already has a version it’s essentially live now for you extra customers why not offer I don’t think they need to get ahold GPS type of set up like a ride command but I think that’s exciting technology I think the km customers find really excited about it and then at least starting off with a 1/2 seat and four seat option and a high-end offering maybe the XR seat would be a slam-dunk 4km prediction number four more models are going to come stock with 32 inch tires now finally we’ve seen in a little bit with can-am with the XR see the turbo s obviously started the trend and set the bar and if you’re off-roading especially here in the southwest you know everyone’s got thirty twos everyone wants up greater they’re considering upgrading just those stock Bighorns don’t really cut it for the performance level that these vehicles are delivering and we all want the ground clearance we want everything about the performance features of a bigger heavier tire so I would like to see some of this trickle down into the entire line of x3 models at least 195 and 172 horsepower models I do think Polaris should bump up the 30 inch tire on the pro XP I think all pro XP should come stocked with 32 inch tires this is their premium offerings and as a consumer we like having some real tires off the showroom floor and then also the vehicle that’s rated for those tires so we have more peace of mind it’s all cover under warranty we’ve got some suspension and drivetrain components that are set up to handle that heavy of a load with those tires it was really good to see Kawasaki come out of the gate with some 31 inch tires a real heavy constructed frame and suspension so Kali’s already on the right track for a non turbo offering so it only makes sense with the turbo offerings that we should see most all of these above 150 horsepower come stock with 32 inch tires so prediction number five I’m gonna give this prediction for 2020 2021 2022 and unfortunately I think that Yamaha Honda and Kawasaki are not gonna come to market with a turbocharged motor like I know it’s tough we love the Japanese manufacturing a lot of us are dirt bike guys you know we’ve owned Kawasaki saunas Yamahas we love the quality but I just don’t think that they’ve sold enough units to justify the bean-counter say we need to launch a turbo model to be competitive with the top three we can and Polaris and of course speed so I wish it was a reality you know all the guys that are really passionate about those brands say but but but but if it came with a turbo but I just don’t see that happening in nor do I see most people buying a Honda Kawasaki or a Yamaha and spending the money to turbo it amongst other things when you could really for the same amount of money go and get a can-am x3 which is already 72 inch wide already a better suspension platform and gonna work better for less money so I hope I’m wrong but unfortunately I just don’t see it happening with these Japanese manufacturers unless they really really just go for it which just doesn’t seem to be the culture of these companies and a forest hoping it’s gonna happen so prediction number six Polaris comes out with a 72 inch Pro XP version which you know should be much of a surprise but I also think that they are going to lower the price or add this extra value of a 72 inch kit without increasing the price I think sales been pretty soft from what I’ve heard around the campfire at certain dealerships and for Polaris even if the pearl XP right now has 72 inch suspension I think it’s a tough sell against Canyon cams got more power it’s viewed largely as being a lot better looking than the pro XP and yes the Polaris does have live valve but I don’t think that’s enough to dissuade customers now the Pro XP does have much longer wheelbase it’s closer to the X ray for the two-seater I still prefer that extra wheelbase better on the two-seater but for the for Cedar eyes I also think that the x3 is too long I like the fold down rear seats in the Pro XP 4 seater that’s a really nice feature but I think them launching a 72 and then asking me a few thousand dollars more on top of the current MSR piece of the current product piece it’s just not I think they will dissolve the turbo s models they’ll bring those prices down so you’ll have your base model 1000 and turbo 64 inch and then everything will be 72 pro XP and pro XP will be our big platform with more models launched which will be the future direction of the razer brand I I think this is how they have to go they’ve got so much money tied up into the R&D of this chassis there’s a lot of feature benefits and improvements the new transmission and clutches sound like they’re a significant improvement there were some issues and people are seeing online but I think the overall cooling Bell temps all type of thing are better I do also think that they should bump the horsepower a little bit just to get over that 200 mark and get closer to what kami I’m doing I think it’s a big marketing thing and ultimately horsepower is what sells a lot of these vehicles so I think that would be a good look for them but I don’t think that they will be increasing the price they’ll just be offering more value in the Pro XP to be more competitive and move more metal this year so final prediction prediction number 7 and if you add all this up what it really boils down to is I predict that we’re going to be getting more for our money there’s more competition than ever more oil OMS playing ball a lot of us as consumers have become a lot more savvy of what we want the first updates we’re going to make after we buy these vehicles and we all expect more so I think you know while things are doing really well the economy is great the market is stronger than ever a camp raised it was out of this world busy you’re going to see more value more little feature benefits on each of these vehicles without price increases and we’re all gonna win so great time to be a customer the sports gonna be a lot better off for it so that’s it let me know what you guys think go ahead and comment below if there’s anything that you agree or disagree with things that we missed and if you like this content please like and subscribe we’ve got a lot more coming your way.