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Nick Olson and Wes Lefler chat about Chupacabra Offroad making an impact at the Sand Show 2021 in California. Oh, and, we're buying a Can Am.
it's not desert season without a campfire or chupacabra off-road now here's your host nick olsen what's happening everybody we are back after a long hiatus that's right it's the chupacabra off-road around the campfire podcast I'm your host nick olson joined as always by my broski west lefler say what's up west hey how's it going everybody happy to be back like I said or like nick said it's been a while so it's good to be back we've got a lot to talk about yeah yeah we were grinding YOU KNOW doing our thing I mean doing a little bit of riding here and there and kind of the big topic of our show tonight is the sandsport super show so stick with us you want to hear about what our experience was like from a vendor perspective kind of what we saw at the show we thought was interesting YOU KNOW kind of what we've been working on as a company and then of course we're going to talk about how that spills over to what's what's all the talk of the summer the speed utv of course me maybe jumping ship from polaris to can-am maybe not so much maybe and then and then what's coming up here in the future from events that wes has got going on myself and then luckily we'll be reconvening less another halloween not camp razor glamorous trip so to be cool to start off the desert the dune season right by hitting the first big weekend so hopefully it's not 95 98 degrees like it usually is and we have a good good trip we're gonna try to make another banger video for all of you guys who love watching that stuff on the YouTube and speaking of which you met a lot of those people from the from the sand show that a lot of people just came by and gave me a pound like love the content love what you guys are doing did you get a lot of the same the same vibe from people yeah it was awesome it's really cool to meet a lot of people YOU KNOW people coming up and saying hey we followed it we follow the youtubes page we listen to the pods we do all those things it's really cool to actually get face time with with people who enjoy our product and enjoy the content had a good time YOU KNOW you almost feel like you're not really working when you're in the sans show you you kind of feel like you're just there hanging out and people are coming to see you like you're some some sort of important person but no man I had a great time at the san show is a really good experience and YOU KNOW it's really fun to YOU KNOW push the new products like we talked about yeah so if you guys haven't listened to the pod or I haven't heard much of west west is pretty much almost every off-road event and probably more than most people so from off-road races from Mexico here in the states as a racer as a chase crew and then also as an enthusiast he's riding in Utah he's riding in the dunes when he's not doing all that stuff and then this ironically was probably like the only event you hadn't been to I mean russ at the sand showed last year but last year didn't really count because we got shut down and we got moved because the COVID to scottsdale so YOU KNOW this is your first time at the show where it's supposed to be in orange county 60 000 people I mean tell the people listening like what it was like for us on Saturday at our booth it was crazy it was nuts YOU KNOW getting back to what you're talking about you know I do go to a lot of places and there was actually a race while we're there but YOU KNOW after being in the small sand show last year in Arizona I enjoyed it so much I enjoyed the product to selling the product to talking to people about chupacabra off-road and what we were doing so I was so excited for the sand show that at the beginning of the year the team that I raced with in Mexico I told him like hey I'm sorry but I'm out for the 400. and luckily that team went down there and did great menzies motorsports congratulations to them getting a big win embracing them pulling it off but we were able to follow the race in costa mesa around 60 000 off-road enthusiasts YOU KNOW being outdoors the weather was perfect it wasn't too hot it wasn't too cold it was it was perfect and YOU KNOW it's really a different experience from what I experienced the first time down in Arizona obviously people had told me this and that whatever not that was a bad experience because I enjoyed it so much but yeah it's it's it's on a whole nother level being in its home spot and being the level of people and products and things that you see people walking around and YOU KNOW honestly a lot of my friends a lot of people in the industry that YOU KNOW you call friends not people necessarily that come over for christmas or things like that but friends within the industry I got to talk to so many of them and it's really cool because we're all in one place we get to talk about shop and things like that and they know that I'm a part of YOU KNOW chupacabra and YOU KNOW I'm happy to be a part of it and and so it was fun talking to them and YOU KNOW talking about their new products but also the new products that we had yeah nice segue I mean speaking of we'll get into kind of what we saw walking around the show the little bit that I got to and hopefully you got to some and just kind of overall vibe of what you noticed would have been going on any other companies or brands might be moving and shaking but going back to last year's sand show YOU KNOW as a small brand kind of coming from an idea and then moving YOU KNOW last year we had a big following I think I was surprised how many people were coming by our booth and we didn't have that many products to sell so I remember like the the planning for this year is kind of all the way back to last year like look we are we are selling a lot of sun hats there's a lot of people that know about us that are excited but we need to get harder on the products and at that time and we had already started working with an engineering team that was really solid was designed some of the products that we just launched so YOU KNOW for me this was I was telling my wife and YOU KNOW I was like this is our state championship game west this this is true super bowl is the sand show because you know you guys see the content we're having fun we're screwing off we're going to races we're in glamis and that that's fun that's part of it but really to make this all happen we are a business we are a products business and believe me I mean YOU KNOW it's hard to do both but YOU KNOW having products having them ready for the sand show was a huge deal luckily as a whole we were really able to pull that off to a level that I was happy about and YOU KNOW that's kind of the build up and hype and anticipation what it made it feel like a state championship and YOU KNOW speaking of my wife was definitely a family affair I mean thanks to you and your your family was amazing and helpful and my dad and my wife were there and everyone who we had in our whole crew with the romos we had our engineers come hang out with us just everyone in our booth was just a it was a great group of people to be around that's the best part about this whole thing is like creating a business creating what we're creating it's I'm we're doing it around people that we want to be around and that just made me really excited as I kind of reflect on how the weekend went and then kind of moving into the the customers are the the people all of you so many people just just like the vibe of what we're doing content-wise so many families you know so many more ideas of content we can make for kids we can make for women I mean were you surprised like how many strollers how many families were at this event it's crazy there's tons and tons of families and kids and YOU KNOW it's kind of got like the carnival vibe where you can go over and get your corn dog and just walk around people YOU KNOW having a drink this types of things so it's really cool it's really a family fun event YOU KNOW but the the main thing is man people are there to buy like they want to buy stuff I mean I can't count how many people walk by with YOU KNOW bags and bags or whips or YOU KNOW just whatever they were buying YOU KNOW but a lot of people 150 whips for sure I remember I told our boys oscar in the gang at 5150 I'm like you know you guys are killing it everyone's walking around with 187 whips and of course like I know rugged always crushes I'm trying to think anything else you saw people walking around with a lot of in their hands YOU KNOW that was those are really big I mean the whips are always a big a big thing but yeah a lot of the a lot of the bigger things you didn't see so much I mean our like you said our sun hats oh man it was like there was a line just for them I I don't even know how many YOU KNOW we sold but we I guarantee we sold a lot and it was funny because last year in Arizona you know you had a couple boxes of them you kind of tested it out and I think we sold both of those boxes or three of those boxes in like a matter of like an hour and 15 minutes because people this psalm they really didn't care about the brand at the time they just wanted the sun hat because it was so hot yeah 895 degrees so I wasn't sure if we sold them just out of some luck and that's the thing though is because I I guarantee when they put them on they felt comfortable they were they're probably like oh okay goodbye goodbye but like here it seemed like in the morning when you had the little little YOU KNOW haze a little fog that still need to burn off they weren't going as soon as that sun popped out through the clouds people were like oh sun hats sun hats sun hats we put them right out front and then it's like YOU KNOW giving them the selection of the different patterns that they could buy and YOU KNOW it worked out really good we slayed it that we had some new stickers too I mean like over 400 and something purchases just for different purchases for stickers and that's crazy we've got thousands so if you run into us in the desert you see wes in this troop car cars are myself we're gonna be loaded to the gills because we have a lot of stickers still yeah to hook you guys up with and spread the vibe so we're gonna give you stickers put them on your dad's truck put them on your white star put usually what I tell little kids when I hand it to them like hey here's these stickers okay and just so YOU KNOW your family has been get YOU KNOW you have permission of sticking wherever you want stick them on your dad's truck your car a police car I don't care just stick them wherever you want just don't stick them on any type of like artifacts or YOU KNOW hieroglyphics or anything like that where we'll get in trouble but stick them on every vehicle you can find kids love them like I I noticed that I noticed all these little kids just you know they wanted the stickers and they came up and then they saw the the masked amount that they could buy in the different they're like oh I'll take one of those and I want one of those and all of those and it seems like every single purchase somebody was saying like oh I'll take one of those I'll take one of those those those those those and yeah it worked out really good it's cool to have a variety of those different ones especially the chewy ones chewy YOU KNOW if you guys don't know we'll talk about tree here in a minute I'm sure he he was there YOU KNOW he's a little high maintenance to some you know and other people he's he's he's a good time so but yeah he made an appearance so that was cool yeah you took the words out of my mouth we're going to talk about YOU KNOW kids family atmosphere YOU KNOW and that's really kind of what we decided that the brand was going to look like YOU KNOW there's a lot of brands and in our niche they're just more of that bro dogger YOU KNOW kind of classic like in my opinion a little played out knockoff of krusty demon's vibe and that that's cool that'll always be around but like YOU KNOW with our content we don't swear we want to make videos that kids can watch over and over we met so many families that watch our grammys video YOU KNOW over and over and just kind of leads the vibe of who we are as people I mean you're a family man I'm a family man and our whole culture is is hugely based on that so made me feel good about it and YOU KNOW leading to to chewy our mascot that's obviously YOU KNOW we're not hiring girls and mini skirts to pass out stickers we have a mascot and YOU KNOW speaking of kids we also had sierra sierra romo our athlete paid racer that races for the chupacabra and she did some autographs and really put herself out there and it was really impressive how many kids came up to her and one I want to hear what you think about that but one of the comments one of our employees said said was man it was cool to see some younger kids or particularly girls coming up and saying hey she's a female racer and having that connection which I thought was cool so YOU KNOW I thought that was a fantastic move for her for brand awareness marketing we're gonna see her name out there to a bunch of off-roaders and yeah here curious to hear what you thought like what you saw in terms of truly gonna interact with anything else related to that yeah absolutely sierra killed it I think it was a really good thing for both chupacabra offroad and sierra YOU KNOW and especially even when she wasn't there and her car being in the booth and YOU KNOW people walk by and they see the little bit of a girl touch to it you know the cheetah and the pink and the hills so they know that it's a girl driver but romo's or roman motorsports provided a cardboard cutout of her so when she wasn't signing it was at the front of the car so people knew so they would walk by and they would see that and then you're you're absolutely right there was a lot more YOU KNOW little girls or younger girls or teenage girls or whatever they see that and then they see that it's a female racer and they came back when she was signing an autograph she signed several YOU KNOW tons and tons of autographs and actually at one point there was people saying YOU KNOW when's sierra going to be here and YOU KNOW I was kind of like oh do YOU KNOW her and they're like no we just we know of her and we want to get our autograph and we think it's awesome and I think it was really good YOU KNOW and I think you know putting YOU KNOW chewie showed up and I think sierra went around with chewy a couple times handing out stickers to to all the kids and taking pictures and things like that and I I think getting their awareness out there and letting her face be seen but also YOU KNOW chewie being out there representing chupacabra and YOU KNOW I bet he probably took more pictures than everybody I mean even the real famous guys at the show probably didn't get as many pictures as truly that dude couldn't walk five feet I mean he's a little mischievous at times YOU KNOW messing and making little jokes but all in all like you said it's all about the family it's all about the kids some kids might have been a little scared of them sorry kids don't worry chewie doesn't fight he just though when every every kid they got scared and cried their parents thought it was funny yeah absolutely no true didn't get in any fights no no no upset mothers or fathers beat them up or anything like that so that turned out good but yeah as far as YOU KNOW having chewie there was really good but I think having sierra there and actually sean because it was cool to have her race car there and say so these are the new race mirrors explaining the new mirrors and explaining the new product but saying hey just so YOU KNOW we did a lot of you know product testing I mean those race mirrors that first set of race mirrors although there's been some little changes not much have been on that race car for 12 months I don't know another brand that really would take that amount of time to test a side mirror YOU KNOW what I'm saying so so that was a really good thing that we could tell people and then YOU KNOW you could walk them right over there and they could touch it and move it and see exactly how it worked so yeah I think it worked out really good in all you know having sierra and also YOU KNOW we got to mention randy randy was there you know YOU KNOW he's not the prettiest romo but he is the king of the romo so YOU KNOW yeah worked out really good yeah YOU KNOW a lot of people do hit especially not after seeing the products west they're getting more I race imagine well YOU KNOW if you want to get sponsored by us or catch our attention well sierra is a great person to look at because she put herself out there she's really trying on social she really is authentic to the lifestyle I mean she is almost like a sponsors dream and it's been fun us building our brand up and watching her and hope trying to hopefully help her where we can to help her and that's just YOU KNOW it's it's a great fit so actually wes brought brought us all together so thanks for that and randy the rebel clan they're amazing people and YOU KNOW yeah I mean it is it's kind of joking but it is serious YOU KNOW like I was just on a little talk or a podcast about sponsorship and YOU KNOW I think what she's doing and YOU KNOW our all of our followers are real and authentic all of hers are if you look at her engagement numbers they're crazy so you know again if you're looking at these people's sponsorship if you're out there look at the actual numbers don't look at the followers look at like how people engage people do they comment do they like do they share do they YOU KNOW what I mean that's really what it's about and anybody with any any knowledge of this industry pays close attention like we do we can tell people are fishy and it's a pretty small community so YOU KNOW just absolutely advice not to go off on a tangent but YOU KNOW sierra's example the show was just a great way of her really going for it and seeing a couple parents say oh yeah you want to get a photo with sierra and I wasn't sure if they were race fans but that happened a couple of times and that's the best part they might not have been a race fan which is super niche but they were an off-road enthusiast and now sierra is a name in their family that they recognize and remember so they'll say oh I knew sierra a couple years ago back in 2021 at the same show so she goes YOU KNOW superstardom and YOU KNOW like you said YOU KNOW I race with her she's she's my driver I'm her co-writer and and you know watching her grow and watch her come out of her shell YOU KNOW she's still young YOU KNOW she's barely turned 21 so it was really cool like you said it's really about family it's really about YOU KNOW the uniqueness so you know if you're sending a resume to triple copper off-road you have to have those because we're not gonna YOU KNOW and nick's not gonna settle for oh this guy's got YOU KNOW 40 000 followers when YOU KNOW he runs your numbers and only only a 50 of them care if you post anything YOU KNOW so so going YOU KNOW with sierra it's pretty cool to watch YOU KNOW it's pretty cool to watch her to to grow out of YOU KNOW a little shell and get out there and YOU KNOW put yourself out there like you said because it's not easy it's not it's not easy to to put yourself out there and I'm sure it's particularly different for a female I can't relate but young person and exactly YOU KNOW and YOU KNOW you're not born most people aren't born with a lot of social skills where they can just have a conversation with anybody you know and that's something you have to learn how to do and at 21 nowadays that's YOU KNOW it's usually you're not learning those types of things so it works out great so if you guys are listening to this and you send resumes into triple cover just make sure you got your t's crossed and your eyes dotted and YOU KNOW because there's software called hype auditor we can tell what's fine what's not exactly yeah I think I think sierra is is crushing we have to get around the pod here one of these days and and next time he's here give her a nudge maybe we can get her out there to glamis because I think that would also help her relate to the community get some content her just having fun in the dunes I know she's just doing a couple times a year as well absolutely and then there's one more thing so a couple days after the show YOU KNOW her mom her parents are really proud of her YOU KNOW randy and claudia they do so much for for her and for the whole program and getting things going but they posted this picture of sierra she's been coming they they've they're lifelong off-roaders they've been coming to the sand show for 21 years straight YOU KNOW and they posted a picture of her I think she probably was like six and she's standing in front of like a monster truck tire and claudia mentioned she's like it's just YOU KNOW it's just warm or melts my heart or something like that to see that YOU KNOW all these little girls that were coming over and trying to YOU KNOW get pictures with her and looking up to her and getting the sticker and YOU KNOW getting that feeling that oh man if sierra can do it I can do it type of thing and then she posted that picture of her from like when she was six years old and it's like she went from this little girl being going to the sand show to get those stickers and to look for those people and to try to take those photos and you know find her role models to now she's turned into one of those role models and I think YOU KNOW those are big shoes to fill but she's doing okay YOU KNOW yeah and she's just starting even in her journey as well as she's doing already it's just the beginning so YOU KNOW speaking of her speaking I like the point you brought up I was tossing back and forth about first off how big was our booth gonna be do we have room for three vehicles and do we even bring a race car to the sand show I always thought it's kind of cool because you have a lot of dune queen cars so having a couple actual race cars I even tended to see a quick run around I did less pre-runners obviously less sand cars so it's cool to see a variety so YOU KNOW obviously we decided to bring sierra's car and put it right out on the side where it was awesome a lot of people were just kind of checking it out because I think there weren't that many desert cars maybe another half dozen but YOU KNOW having you guys test the product was a testament of having the car there because YOU KNOW our flagship one of our flagship products was the new race side mirrors which you guys have been testing for literally over a year we kind of debuted them to the public last year as a prototype we got some patent protection I'm sure there's going to be some copycats kind of trying to emulate what we're doing but YOU KNOW that mirror is is something that I think is is trying to bring some uniqueness to the mirror market and like you said a lot of r d a lot of actual race dna for real kind of came from a personal experience I did a video on YouTube before I learned more about it but that's kind of from me having a race car trying to take our old quarrels at the time make them work and kind of have an idea of what we can do to make a protected frame which I actually am seeing similar trends wes in the ultra4 like rock bouncer market or race landscape I'm seeing some like similar ideas where there's got a cage around a mirror that bolts onto the frame to protect the mirror similarly to what we're doing totally different style but YOU KNOW same vibe so I feel like we're trying to bring something new to the market in that regard and also prove that like you said we actually raced with it and you two are no slouch in the car always top 10 competitors along with randy who also tested it and amongst myself and some other people so it was it was amazing to finally bring that to market I thought we bought it to market the right way me doing a little bit of racing myself having racers calling it the race mirror having a race car at the booth I actually had sierra and the rumble family that I think really tied it all together and that's a that'll always be part of our dna YOU KNOW I think I'm going to take a break from racing here for a little bit but I'm a racer I'll be back there'll be more racing or you'll be helping you guys or doing whatnot but I think that'll always be a part because I think as racers ourselves like we understand like there's nothing that's more difficult on parts and equipment right and being able to have your products be race proven is I think how some of us do make race purchase decisions even if we're not racing absolutely I think I think when we're talking about the products and the quality of it that that stands out anybody who knows anything about desert racing knows that if you could test a product during desert races and it lasts and it does what it's supposed to do you know it's it's well tested and YOU KNOW it had been it's been about 11 months I believe we put them on parker last year which was in like the third week of October last year and we've ran them ever since and YOU KNOW we've ran them through the trees of silver state obviously the long races of like vegas to reno plus also the rocky YOU KNOW rocks flying all over the place of parker YOU KNOW to all these different races that that we have to short course where it's just chunks of mud and stuff flying on the infield YOU KNOW down in laughlin so it is proven and YOU KNOW these mirrors you when you look at them and it's not like you said like it's it's it's a mirror that looks great on a side-by-side and it has side-by-side function but I mean we were able to slap it set on a truck that I think have just made that truck look way cooler YOU KNOW a truck that was running the old quarrels and was happy with those and then you throw these freight smears on there and it's like man okay now it's now it's game time YOU KNOW and then you think about it you think about these you know mirrors that are on a lot of these race trucks and the bigger vehicles not just the side-by-sides and YOU KNOW they're a car tech or off-road warehouse standard circle mirror bolted on a on a protective frame a piece of metal and just put on with two hose clamps you know and they probably cost a hundred bucks more than than what we're trying to sell a full stylish bill of mirrors so so yeah man I'm I'm excited I was I'm super excited I'm YOU KNOW I'm happy that YOU KNOW we get trusted to test these things and put them through the works and and make sure that YOU KNOW we putting out the best product that we can yeah so speaking rich more mirrors the actual real mirror that was thought of the show was we we redesigned and we launched our aqua and we're now calling it the corel pro and actually wes was he got the first set basically to test and if you've been paying really close attention on our YouTube channel you would have seen them we're always testing parks west has some some more parts and he will have some more parts here and and myself but the the coil pro was as as we kind of got the race done our engineer I said hey man like he did such a great job with the race I'm like let's we got to redesign the quarrel man like we got to step it up and and you know can we add a light to it and you know the first render he came back with was kind of like really what you see and and man were those things a home run I mean we sold out of all of our blacks like we we needed so many more blacks that yes and also we kind of kept that a little bit tighter to our chest like I said if you if you did watch the YouTube and you had the close eye but the quarrels we put out a teaser video a couple like a week before and people were lining up one guy said wes he told my wife he said I just got off work I came to the show to get these before they were sold out on Friday how cool is that that's amazing and that's what was cool because we had the race mirrors on the race car and then my car was you know was over there and I'm like people like oh what are these and YOU KNOW people automatically look at them they look at like oh it's made of metal okay so that's good and then YOU KNOW they look at the price and they're like oh wow YOU KNOW what what's that for one exactly how many times did you get asked that so is that for a pair and then they're like well how much is the the light mounts that come with and I'm like nah man it's all in one box like what size do you need type thing and then to take them over to to my car and say hey these are them right here and they're like oh wow YOU KNOW and the funny thing is is YOU KNOW not to get too much on YOU KNOW the competition and then their their styles and the things that they go after but a lot of people we talked about the integrated light YOU KNOW which a lot of those mirrors look stylish and they're really cool you know I know bad designs come teamed up with another company and they've integrated one which is really good light YOU KNOW YOU KNOW we also sell the bar design lights but a lot of people are like I don't like those because you adjust your mirror you lose your light you adjust your light you lose your mirror you there's no way to get a perfect and YOU KNOW I know that in the past you we've talked about YOU KNOW do we do an integrated type thing and that seems the way it's going it just looks really nice this and that whatever but I think we knocked it out of the park not only with the mirror but the engineers they just knocked down the park with just a simple way to adapt the light that you want if you're ba design or a rigid or kc because it's just like a niche it's I mean in the side by side community we're all about customizing we're all about oh I'm a I'm a bf goodrich guy or I'm a toyo guy or I'm a method guy or I'm a race line YOU KNOW oh I'm this I'm a tmw cage no I'm cage works we all have what we like and the cool thing is is they can buy the chupacabra mirrors and they can do what they want with them and they can buy the likes that they want and make them their own and I think people love that and then when they see the price point they were just like selling like I mean just like they're like wait like you said is this for two and we're like yeah YOU KNOW I mean pretty sure we could have charged them double and a lot of people have been like oh that's still a great deal yeah so it's just amazing and I like I said I I fell in love with those mirrors I believe we started testing them what like January the mid-January late January this year yeah parker and I remember that I did a couple local rides with them too I didn't post any photos but but man it and the adjustability and just the everything the rigidity there's no vibration I mean it's just all around a great great mirror YOU KNOW yes everybody wes called it he's like the race mirrors are cool but these are going to be the home run and he was right from a sales perspective they have been so not too hot not too cold just right price and style and be patient people you're listening this I mean believe me we we wanted to have more and more and more believe me so it's worth the wait the price is worth the wait if you feel like you can find a better mirror for that price point with the same quality go go ahead because how about it because I'm telling you right you're selling plastic mirrors for 190. so just saying okay and I have to tell this story because it was about the funniest thing ever okay I'm not to mention what it was I'm just going to mention our side of it because YOU KNOW I'm not here to bad mouth people so two gentlemen walked by holding a bag they just purchased some mirrors inside at another booth they paid 250 they came over and checked out our product specifically the quero pro and I was talking to them another person was talking to them and basically they're like how much are these and we told them you know 165 it comes with the light mount you can also purchase lights or you can do what you want you can you don't have to run the light those types of things and you should have saw a lot in their face because they had just paid 250 for a set of plasters at another retail vendor inside and I feel bad for him like honestly like it's crazy and YOU KNOW I keep telling people I'm like YOU KNOW we are off-road like we do this we go out we ride we spend our hard-earned money on this we go to the desert we go to the mountains we go to the famous we go tomorrow we go all these places because this is what we love to do and it is a business that is meant to make money but at the same time we're not it's not meant to say okay our we feel as though our mirrors are worth two thousand dollars selling for two thousand dollars it's meant to make it to where we can sell a product that's quality at a quality price to make people happy to where we can have a good relationship with people and we don't sell junk and I think that a lot of the competition are gonna be like crap YOU KNOW like we're we got this junk that we're trying to sell and it's only a matter of time before this small company comes in and just takes over and it's happening yeah YOU KNOW at the risk of this sounding like a big commercial for selling you guys more mirrors I mean no right we do have to pay the bills but it's kind of more of the topic of this podcast where we are a company that sells products and we launch some new products and we're really excited about them and they both had a really good response so a lot of speed people came over and ended up buying some of the race mirrors we weren't exactly a thousand percent sure on the a plus pillar of a speed so I gave one of the speed guys one of our one and a half clamps I said all right I'm pretty sure I wonder the part on one of robbie's shows he said it's one and a half I think if you have a car with an a plus pillar you want to mount them on that because yes it's just harder to see especially during the window nuts so I gave him a clamp I'm like go go pop it on like I said be careful like put the put the plastic so you don't scratch one of the tubes on there you're gonna test it he came back he was like yeah that's one point five and then he bought a mirror and then like a bunch of other speed guys came over like what's up with that I'm like if you have an a plus player you're gonna want the race yeah 1.5 is the size we probably sold like 10 10 or 15 sets just in speed guys yeah absolutely and that and that's really cool is because another thing that people didn't realize they're like oh oh YOU KNOW like well do you have them for this or do you have them for that and it was so easy with the universal clamping system that we have now that it's like what kind of car do you have and YOU KNOW people be like oh I have an x3 and I'll be like stock cage or aftermarket and YOU KNOW knowing that information they're like oh I got an aftermarket cage works cage I'm like okay it's 175 boom go inside boom boom boom here's your mirrors here's your clamps here you go or the guy's like you know I got a pro and it's two inch oh here's your two inch clamps or YOU KNOW 1.5 or the 175 which is YOU KNOW or the 1.875 km having all that just made it so simple so easy and that clamp YOU KNOW showing YOU KNOW the other products that we're going to have coming out you're going to have coming out and and showing them it's like I'm like it's a universal thing man these this clamps for this for this for this or this for this like so excited yeah so YOU KNOW I'm glad you brought that up because hint hint wink wink we have a lot of products that we decided not to show that link up with this this clamp system so part of the challenge of designing these new mirrors to make them awesome in all the ways that we kind of brought up and we've documented if you want to watch on on YouTube or on our website but also the clamp system had to be dialed where it was universal and be thoughtful about that clamp system that's easy to put on and that we could use with a lot of different products and also some variations c clamps product specific amounts like an extra cage hang tight guys we got some stuff coming havoc sport polaris ranger can m defender we've already been scanning these vehicles we already have prototypes we've been testing want to make sure they're down before we launch them YOU KNOW a little where we're going with that that clamp is going to lead to a lot of other products so stay tuned for those guys but it almost kind of it was hard west because we also launched two new side mirrors which excuse me two new centromeres which is how our company started with a center mirror and our 16 inch super deluxe center mirror is is so good it's got so much convex and it's really adjustable which is how I like to do it because I like to get the mirror tweaked so much that I can see evenly out of each side so people enjoy that product too and know that we have it and it doesn't get lost in the mix and it's probably a good thing we didn't launch more products because between those between excitement between the clothing and between a couple other products that we're talking about that we we showed some people that we'll talk about now we just had a lot of excitement so yeah for sure one of the products we have that's in the back of your car now that you'll see the test I've been testing is our new rear storage rack which fits the ever so popular milwaukee pack out adjustable boxes so we've seen that trend happening and I really wanted to create something the challenge was those milwaukee pack outs are too wide but they don't sit flush in the back of your razor turbo 1000 etc so we ended up making our own elevated quick release mount because I'm a big stickler about YOU KNOW to clean out your air filter kids clean your air filter every ride yes and you need to create a storage solution that I think is like the right amount of storage for tools the right amount of cooler space and I mean I've been driving razors for like seven years man so I should be able to figure this out by now and that's kind of where we're at so far so what are your thoughts what were customers saying when we showed that product so shown on this product first off like the product's so nice it's the reason why I like it so much is like you said being able to remove it in an instant without unbolting everything it's just perfect the fact that you can put this little rack in there it locks and is very sturdy and it can be removed so you can pull your air filter or anything like that without even pulling a bolt it's just enough to withstand a roll over and moab absolutely yes tested in moab for a rollover so it worked really well so this last weekend I was able to take it out and go bombing through the Nevada desert and doing everything I actually overloaded my pack out box and put everything I could in it filled it to the brim it honestly probably weighs 45 pounds no joke and I locked it in there went bombing through tested everything I was locked in there it didn't move an inch and so I was really stoked about that made sure nick knew and sent him some pictures and things like that but this box is really cool so the way that it's designed is that YOU KNOW you have these two mounting points up front and with a two style lock in and then a pin that locks into the frame that mounts to the cage and we don't even waste any space because nick being nick YOU KNOW he can't waste any space and he had an engineers and him and they designed a bag they could hold a belt I think I put my belt in there and I think I put a tow strap in there slides perfectly underneath the thing so you don't lose any of that in the pack out I was also able to use my low my low low rise or my lower eyes cage works spare tire holder not the high one which I used to have on my other car but a low one and with the middle size pack out I'm able to put the middle size pack out and close it and still have room in the back for a cooler a soft cooler so I am super stoked the on stove because that box keeps everything so nice I've always carried like a little bag and then put it in the player storage box and then it rips holes in the bag and your sockets get everywhere and YOU KNOW just things like that and I'm so excited it's the cleanest thing it's completely covered by the spare tire like so stoked so stay tuned it'll be coming out soon and I'm telling you people you'll love it you'll you'll enjoy it and especially if you have a razor it's one of the cleanest storage systems and simplest storage systems I've found you're not gonna spend you're not gonna break the bank on a five six hundred dollar metal box that is bolted in that you have to unbolt every time you wanna check your oil your air filter so good job again nick and the engineers yeah well I mean it's like our mirrors want to make things modular and adjustable and that's the the beauty of the milwaukee pack out I think milwaukee's really like enjoying their heyday right now I square west it's like the new coach bag for men yeah but milwaukee tools I mean I have an impact it's an amazing piece of kit the battery lasts forever so I'm YOU KNOW I'm not a guy who makes my living with my tools but I I understand why guys especially that do or just guys that want quality and we all need tools are just in love with milwaukee and the pack out yes and it's still modular they've got the cooler they've got the stereo you can add the foam with your ocd to protect your YOU KNOW your impact like there's so many things you can do with it add a little one with just all your loose you know nuts and bolts whatever it is a lot of guys too wes I mean we don't want to get caught in our own bubble of the southwest a lot of guys across the whole country they don't even run spare tires but there's those boxes up and carry all kinds of things so that's the modular way of making it adjustable and make it working for hopefully as many of you as possible absolutely and YOU KNOW if you saw the car the sancho I kind of regretted not bringing my spare tire holder because then I could have showed that YOU KNOW to people but we had the spare tire holder off we had the big box the medium box and the small box all stacked on there and we were pulling them on and off and showing I was making sure people everywhere and YOU KNOW when they knew about it because people were asking are like hey let me let me let me show you something cool we got coming out and I would take my time to go show them in with all three big boxes because you're right like YOU KNOW there's a lot of people back east and not even as far back even the mountain guys a lot of them don't carry spare tires and YOU KNOW they they want that extra storage they want to be able to have YOU KNOW the extra storage and extra stuff that they carry and so I think I think you guys knocked out the park especially for YOU KNOW for the razer it's awesome milwaukee just needs to make some blackout boxes man not everybody likes red so how do they dug into because it's just like chupacabra and we're gonna run chill sorry we're not going to make YOU KNOW and that's our thing like I would love to have it wrap till or something like that just to match the car because that's this thing but yeah I'd rather have a red one than not one so it's good for sales because everyone will see that it's a milwaukee box from from 50 feet away yeah for sure so YOU KNOW that kind of we talked about some product releases YOU KNOW like I said this the the mirrors what we're known for right aluminum we're evolving this new setup is going to involve a lot more aluminum accessories you guys are going to see over the next six months but obviously people also know as far as storage starting off from door bags so that was an important component and then another component that I was most excited about was our new b2g rear storage for the can mx3 now this is an idea I've had for a while seeing paying attention to Facebook groups watching guys like try to custom make it and a lot of people love the can am right it's an amazing car and we can all agree the shortcoming in the back of that car is storage so YOU KNOW being somebody like myself like hey I'm never going to buy a canon four-seater because it's too long and I hate it I hate how it looks I hate everything about the canon four-seater but I love the cam two-seater and could I go can we build a car outlet you could go take on an Arizona peace trail baja trip and there's certain more accessories that have kind of made that potentially possible so the rear storage that we're working on the agm products fuel kit which runs like another eight gallons underneath the seats now all of a sudden like you could really take a two-seat car which is almost impossible and have room for cooler tools spare tire you know clothing maybe with a roof rack and fuel and go knock out YOU KNOW a 500 mile bar pre-run like we did in a two-seat m so that was kind of the thought process behind the b2g and a lot of hours of engineering and then a frantic last few weeks before the show of bending tubes of of custom making that box and we got our first prototype to the show we have sold a few and we have some dealer interest and we're working on some iterations particularly taking this it's basically it's a rear storage box if you guys haven't seen it it bolts onto the back of your canon x3 you have to run a side muffler we're taking that that dead space that's inside of the muffler and we're taking off the stock bed but we're also giving you a huge storage box which is big enough for a yeti 35 cooler plus tools plus it holds a full-size spare tire up to a 33 inch and in my opinion it's low it's stylish kind of something more that race looking dna lower center of gravity your car is going to handle better you see a lot of you guys that off-road YOU KNOW you see these can-ams even wes you've seen it like we're tall guys and the people put the coolers on the stock bed they can barely even reach into their cooler to grab a drink and right they run the spare tire on top of that and it looks ridiculous and it's like gosh I would never want to own a can-am and have it built like that so like right I want to be the change that be the change I want to see in the world so so be it and and we work through this product and there's a huge shift for us of where we're going to be heading with other products and it was cool to get out there and see how people received it absolutely I showed I countless people it and YOU KNOW especially when people said that they had two cedar x threes that made sure that I took them over just to show them what we're working with because like you said you followed YOU KNOW the Facebook feeds and the different things like that and people that build these custom ones YOU KNOW these fabricators and stuff like that and we're talking YOU KNOW five six thousand dollars for a rear compartment like that which they look really nice and I'm not knocking those at all I mean but five or six thousand dollars is a big deal when you're talking about one thing and the cool thing is about this is YOU KNOW you have a spare tire holder you have your storage compartment and you have your bumper and it all comes in one unit you you do take out the rear box you do lose that but what do people really use that for on on a two seat or even a four-seater can-am they don't they can't fit a spare tire there I know one company that makes a spare tire rack that goes right on top and mounts to the stock points which is really nice and clean but then you don't have a storage container YOU KNOW and all the good solutions only solve one or maybe two problems yes beautiful like you said you lose the cooler spot oh yeah absolutely YOU KNOW so a lot of people showed a lot of excitement YOU KNOW and YOU KNOW they looked at the different ways and the cool thing is is YOU KNOW the engineers thought YOU KNOW thought about how mounting it and they worked really good on making it a solid thing they also made it to where YOU KNOW brackets where your fenders won't flop around I mean they thought of a lot so once this thing is fine-tuned and people start seeing it I I mean I can't see I I would if I had an x-ray two-seater x3 for sure to go on there yeah there's no no other question why because you're gonna spend the amount of money you're gonna spend on this rear bumper a storage container and and a spare tire holder it's it's like it makes sense it doesn't make any sense to spend money on those things when you could just buy one unit and and have it and most x3s YOU KNOW when they put the exhaust on it because YOU KNOW you do offer the the exhaust out the side I have to say the x-rays sound really good with exhaust I don't like razor exhaust I would never put an exhaust on my razor just because I don't like the way that that motor sounds with an exhaust it you know as far as a play card goes I mean obviously for a race car you do it for performance and things like that but an x3 they sound pretty mean YOU KNOW that that three cylinder sounds pretty mean with an exhaust so yeah I found another company that's actually local that has a side exhaust with a muffler so we're going to try it out could be another option YOU KNOW it's a little bit louder than stock but it does have a muffler so YOU KNOW again kind of some of that race which you see a lot of race car can-ams they lower the tire down low weight as low as possible right so you can see and it handles better and YOU KNOW I'll just kind of you don't have to answer this it's kind of above our pay grades but some people do think that having weight over the back end of that car helps that car settle a little bit and I've seen a couple race car builders I don't know if it's fort and west who builds x3 chassis but one or two of them do have a fuel cell behind the axles correct and there is a debate like in the even with some racetracks or just kind of weight distribution maybe 10 cars etc of where the weight goes and some people trying to put fuel behind the axle so I don't know what you think specifically for a race car austin whalen who I know from racing has just built built a new car this season I was built by tesco and they built the chassis obviously tesco people know tesco they come from the trophy truck background they build really good trophy trucks a lot of winning trophy trucks they built and they built this car for him they built it to hold two spare tires which in the side-by-side game that's kind of weird most I don't know anybody that carries two tires well they built it for the tires so he goes out and he shock tunes with sdg the shock development group and YOU KNOW they get us shocks all tuned dialed and he's running one spare and he's in placer city and he's just amazing these guys because sdg comes from once again big trucks buggies those types of things that's what they do and they're kind of getting the cyber sync game just a little bit and I was talking to the owner fcg and he was explaining to me how well that car worked in an instance austin asked him said what would happen if we threw that second spare tire on there like YOU KNOW maybe we need it for baja maybe we don't and so they just told them the more weight that you have down there the better it's gonna work through the big stuff so they threw it on there and I think he gained five mile an hour through the test section now that doesn't mean he's gonna run it every time but that goes to say what you were just talking about nick that having that tire having that a little bit lower having that stable over the rear that really can help the the driving ability or the driving of that car and help it to work even better now YOU KNOW everybody knows I'm a polaris guy and that's good but I'm telling you right now the canon x3 the two-seater chassis is the perfect chassis it's magic and and polaris knows that and that's why they came out with the YOU KNOW pro xp YOU KNOW with that that wheelbase but up until then the x32 theater was the wheelbase for at least the desert in the southwest now a lot of you guys YOU KNOW YOU KNOW in different formats but when it comes to desert and southwest that was it yeah so speaking just one more thing to add on that car YOU KNOW I think what's interesting is that that car had so much travel and show so much shock stroke for a lightweight utv that I remember like when I shot a lot of footage from utv world championships in 2019 I got all this beautiful 4k footage in slow-mo and obviously like blurton's car because it's tuned by wayne israelson which is perfect and it just sticks and a lot of those other x3s back then they just kind of like they look like they were unsettled like there was too much rebound they just didn't stick like phil's car and obviously phil was driving faster through there than anybody at that time and probably still does but again I'm excited to ask my shock tuner that wayne once he re-tunes my new car and every other car I ever own but I think that might lead to like why that weight helps that car because it is kind of unusual it's such a lightweight little two-seater with so much shock stroke so YOU KNOW each car has its own little special sauce I'm sure people figure out over time particularly the racers so either way that could help leads a little bit the dna of the b2g of having the rack having the weight low because if I want to go to baja right you go on these long trips you have to carry all your stuff you don't want to like have to slow down and worry about your tire falling no you don't you want to be able to go at a good pace and drive because that's why you have these things and you go on some of these big rides they have big whoops and I've been like on my I'll go for a rocky point ride guys lose tires and guys break stuff it's like you're carrying all this stuff and you're hitting sand groups so YOU KNOW you just what do you expect exactly that you can have what you need and still be able to to drive YOU KNOW how you want to drive and I think once it's finalized once the the rack is 100 finalized and and ready to go I I I can see it just selling like crazy I can see people being interested in it's only going to take a matter of time before people see it obviously YOU KNOW you talking about going to the dark side will obviously probably have one and so you'll be able to advertise it out there and be able to promote the product and so people can see it so if you guys see my beautiful car at glamis or wherever nick's probably right next to me somewhere with the not so beautiful car so great segway so so I got to walk around the booth a little bit I went into can-am's booth I thought they had a good booth they had YOU KNOW they were playing music with a dj they had what was interesting is they had a 2022 on display right the new one that's blue and white and I was looking at it close because I wanted to look at the differences so I I did sell my razer and my goal was to buy a 2c can am and run it here for a little while to test the b2g do some development do some rides help get that product really dialed and then you know until the speed shows up whenever that may be that time in the booth the 2022 can-am had a couple 20-22 parts on it like they upgraded the new rear radius rod box how it built onto the chassis now which is great but I started looking at everything else I asked the guy I can't am the guy's like oh yeah those arms aren't the new 2022 arms and it doesn't have the new double shear knuckles yet and like technically this is kind of like a band-aid 2021 that looks like a 2022. so I've heard they're not even carb certified in California yet wes and then when the first day we got to the show one of the the shop owners that I know really well said that his shipments which were supposed to hit in October got pushed back to January so I just spent all day calling around trying to find a two-seat x3 bro and they are almost impossible now I'm not gonna buy a smart shock because you know yeah I guess I do love the light valve I love that feature but my tuner set my suspension tuner says the canon really doesn't work that good so I just want the all right the base I can get it tuned up yeah I'll have it tuned by wayne and it'll be awesome and I love the tune ability behind those big compression you know YOU KNOW being a suspension dude they were not joking there are none I called every dealer in Arizona of course I called all the partners that sell our products YOU KNOW matt in vegas and in a temecula in California fun bike center of course nash YOU KNOW coin and nobody's getting them well they're they're not getting any 20 22s until the very earliest maybe a couple in November or late October if they're lucky bro there are like I'm probably gonna end up getting a red and silver xrc and I might have to drive all the way to mesquite to go get it wow that's crazy so there must be like there must be something something must be holding them up YOU KNOW like it doesn't make sense that they would talk about this and release YOU KNOW do a release and talk about everything and then it's supply chain all related to this covet stuff so all of you all of you customers that are busting our chops about not having mirrors like where everyone's dealing with it like like polaris we're waiting on pins and needles to see the rest of the polaris line up I think a big part of it is like hey we can't release stuff if we can't ship it and imagine now like there's going to be no units to be had man if you want to buy a new rig this year like in the next three or four months good luck here I mean you're going to be like me do you think it has anything to do with that big fire down in Mexico it seems like they brushed that under the rug and said it wasn't that big of a deal but that fire is huge like you could see the units you could see the amount of units that were burned like there's a lot do you think it maybe has something anything to do with that I think it's a little bit I think I thought someone said it was like a thousand cars which equates to six days of on the production line so you start to listen those numbers like geez that that production line can crank out some units but I think that is still kind of small potatoes in the grand scheme because that's going all over the country I think it's supply chain I mean I heard a rumor that they were looking for switches can-am a while ago and hitting up after-market companies to find switches for the dash so YOU KNOW I think this is like we're all dealing with it as a whole of everything we want to buy and everyone wants to buy everything right now you can find a bicycle you can't buy a pickup truck you can't buy a utv man and and I'm sure these dealers got their allocation slashed so a lot of people I saw were commenting how there was no good deals at the sand show this year west like what did you expect the deal was we have it in stock do you want it or not people were saying like oh YOU KNOW this dealer is selling pnms for this much and that much and this is ridiculous and I get they're used to like 2019 prices but yeah I still heard to the grapevine that those dealers sold a ton of units so like YOU KNOW it's just supply and demand and if you don't want to pay the prices man then just hang tight like it is I think a lot of people probably when it comes to sand shell they probably save their pennies and they're like oh I'll just wait till sancho I'll wait till sancho YOU KNOW walk into one of those big dealers that always puts a ton of vehicles in the sand show and they think they're gonna walk away with one well I walked through there and I couldn't believe the prices on some of those which you're right though it's supply demand I was at a local dealership last Friday I had to stop by grab something real quick and they didn't have a single new side-by-side and they are at polaris can am honda dealership and I'm not just talking like the sport side by side I'm talking about any side by side everything they had out front were used and I was just like holy cow now the inside they were full of motorcycles and things like that but not one brand new side by side to show and you were like oh crazy you were bummed out because yeah I mean and now I'm sure you're super thankful wes just got a turbo us what four months ago like yes you're so lucky to have got I mean no one's getting turbo s's and no at all no and everybody I know that had him on order they basically got a hold of him and said hey you're probably not going to see this until late November late December so do you still want it because YOU KNOW like trying to basically talk them out of it like would you rather have a pro xp YOU KNOW those types of things and a lot of people are switching like well what when can I get it because a lot of people are like man I want my car like I want something I don't want to wait a year or six months or whatever for them YOU KNOW but a lot of people are because there's it seems like you can get a pro xp but you can't get a you can't get a turbo s so I don't know it's crazy and then that's the fact that polaris YOU KNOW and dropped the turquoise from their lineup YOU KNOW they really don't have to fulfill those orders but they're not going to piss people off so they're going to fulfill the orders that they have people still get their orders for what I've been told but they have been working strong to talk people into another model yeah which YOU KNOW because if I heard I mean this is probably not true or anything but the rumor I heard is the reason why players couldn't get their cars out was the vinyl vinyl in the seats they couldn't find it so the car is sitting there with no seats because they can't get the seats made which YOU KNOW there's like another oems fox shocks yeah switches whatever it's crazy knows what it is crazy time we live in right now everybody's got the money to spend but there's nothing to buy yeah so YOU KNOW you guys heard it here first I will be joining the dark side I don't have it in my garage right now but probably before the next pot I will have a canned ham and YOU KNOW we're gonna have to fix the bump steer we're gonna have to make sure the front end don't fall off etc but now I'm excited to drive it and YOU KNOW kind of use that to develop more products and develop our b2g and other things that we've been working on but speaking of waiting for a unit in in the dark side we can't talk about the sand show without talking about the real bell of the ball the speed so so robbie had a huge crowd on Friday I swear it was like it was it was seemed like it was pretty popping for a Friday but a ton of people were over at speed it was elbow to elbow and then obviously like finally if you guys didn't live under a rock YOU KNOW robbie finally showed up with four pre-production cars to see so did you go sit in one did you tell you went and looked at it did you get like what did you look what was your thoughts because we never really chatted like I know you went over there but what do you think about it I mean I didn't go over it with a fine tooth comb because I didn't really have that time I did look it over there's a few things that YOU KNOW I was like hmm but then like I really have to give him credit on the fit and finish like the interior so like list of things that you thought was great and let's look okay so let's the from one from the I didn't like I said I didn't get to spend a lot of time over there I didn't have a lot of time I was kind of walking in and out type of thing and then just for just for context all you listeners I'm the speed believer wes is the speed skeptic just like YOU KNOW I don't believe in unicorns YOU KNOW I don't believe in things I can't see YOU KNOW so it was good to be able to see something finally YOU KNOW it's easy to post videos from north Carolina and every week and get people hyped up about designs which I'm hyped up about him too like if if robbie's gonna do half of what he said I'm excited YOU KNOW and YOU KNOW but so first off I went and I was able to look the interior it was like I said there's big crowds and stuff like that so it was kind of like you're like pushing your way through the fit and finish just right off the bat I've always always liked robbie's seats race style seats I really like them they're always like that squid and they look good with the diamond stitching really nice seats real tight like you know firm not a big cushiony seat I don't like a big cushioning seat I like a seat that like holds me it's comfortable and that one is kind of like a comfort slash race seat like and he's built at a race everybody knows he's talked about this cars being built to race and it's way cooler than any other stock seat anyone has ever seen in any YouTube absolutely absolutely give them give them credit for sure it's cool you feel like a racer if you hop into it like I have a fake race chair right right from my desk and it's cool to hop into a race seat no matter who you are absolutely and so the seats I noticed them right off the bat and those have been around for a long time he used to put some of those in in the arctic cats or the xxx whatever you want to call them and they're really nice the dash looked really clean I didn't see it with the key on I didn't get to see everything operable and things like that but all the fit and finish of the interior talking seats harnesses the dash all the all that stuff the shifters everything looked really really good like I have to tell them like the fit finish look good it didn't it didn't look cheap like I said I didn't go over to fine-tune comb I wasn't tapping it and things like that for the thickness of the plastic or I wasn't grabbing the dash and wiggling it but just from the aesthetic look of it looked really good obviously all those pictures are people posted the haters about the welds and this and that whatever but these are pre-production cars I really don't care obviously I would assume robbie wouldn't release a car that the welds looked as bad as they did obviously we saw the the wheel with the valve stem sticking out YOU KNOW you see all these bad things that people are posting because you got the robbie supporters and you got the robbie haters and those are just the two groups there's really nobody in between the one thing that I didn't understand and I know that this is a design that he's designed is the way that the upper arms on the front the front upper arms mount now from looking at it they mount to a cast front div box and it's cast because I know that at one point it was supposed to be billet or as I said and these are cap pressure casts and they do a little machine work on them yeah and the thing it is that I know about cast in YOU KNOW cask can be very very strong but cast aluminum is you know it's it's a brittle thing unless if it's if it gives any types of cracks or anything like that it can be a very brittle thing like it's something you could take a hammer to and you could like as brittle as a can-am single-share front end no I'm not that no no that goes 80 miles an hour off the showroom floor with a single share front end like that no and remember you're going to buy one so you got to be careful but no and so I I just don't understand that design because it doesn't amount to the chassis it mounts to that box or to that cast box and I'm like okay up and down in my brain and I could be completely wrong like robbie knows more than I do for sure but up and down I think the wheel travel will be fine but what happens if you're hitting a big bump like you're hitting the hard part of a bump and it's pushing your wheels backwards YOU KNOW if it's pushing them back that stress is all on that and I'm just thinking that the cast would crack or YOU KNOW like I just don't understand it obviously YOU KNOW it could have an inter like metal frame or something like I don't know or something so the whole design the whole design is a little concerning to use yeah that that that concerned me on that on the front diff I guess the the official explanation from robbie and the camp is that front diff is actually three big major components so let's let's say you have a catastrophic you rip the front wheel off and you did tweak one of those pieces you wouldn't have to buy the whole diff if you just bent yeah let's say but obviously the the chat as a whole is like well if you're if you're beating that up you're probably in really deep trouble if you've tweaked that so remains to be seen because joe customer is going to go get him and they're going to run into a ditch six foot ditch going 70 miles an hour YOU KNOW we will find out okay so that was the concern here's okay and then one another another positive another positive was the shocks now anybody that's that knows robbie and knows the history of robbie gordon and the robbie gordon trucks for instance like the most epic truck ever and off road still the riviera truck it's a single shock internal bypass shock like way far ahead of its YOU KNOW time but that truck doesn't have external bypasses which most trucks off-road do now because I believe they're more efficient but that that trophy truck was built with one massive just humongous shock in the front and it was really awesome well robbie has always had that technology still runs it on his trophy truck and he brought it over the speed and what is it a four-inch shock like it's just huge it's just massive which means more fluid probably a better stroke I have a low speed rebound and compared to what's happening exactly so when you're like a suspension guru like nick like and nick just so everybody knows nick got this way from mountain biking in mountain biking suspension is everything your suspension dialed in mountain biking people don't know nick was you know a really really good downhill mountain biker and YOU KNOW he was really big in the suspension brought that over to motocross now in the side by sides I was impressed with the shock the sheer size of the shock coming stock YOU KNOW like that's the thing though one quick point on that so the riviera trophy truck we are friends with the leduc family which is a very prominent fast off-road racing family and kyle leduc who's probably the fastest off-roader in the u.s maybe on the in the world right now he got to race the riviera truck at the 2016 baja 1000 but either way to go back a little bit in the story kyle's dad kurt ledoux is a og baja offroad racing legend drove the riviera truck a couple times and he talked about how that truck was set up that was robbie's car and he said you had to drive that thing like like a super cross bike right like you had to get on top of stuff and just hammer it you had to drive it like robbie for it to work right because then he started driving a geyser after that he said guys are like he could he could just drive with one hand and it was like a big cream puff so yeah YOU KNOW robbie had these characteristics of these tuning of the riviera back then but just a little observation we had heard through the grapevine people have actually driven the riviera yeah so but like you said amazing the so one of the main reasons exactly so like other lights are just like yeah so piggybacking on that like that shock now though like a single shock front end on a trophy truck doesn't work like it's you've surpassed it it's yeah it's definitely but so make sure everybody don't think that I think that's the system because it's not but a big shock like that YOU KNOW and they don't look like they're too heavy so I think that that's a plus a good design for them but I don't think that was a shocker to anybody that knows robbie they knew that it would be a big shock and and be like that the bed size is pretty cool it's huge I mean it's basically YOU KNOW it's basically a polaris ranger bed it doesn't dump and I know I have I've seen some of the pictures of the different configurations in the boxes and the accessories you can buy and get your spare tire in there perfect and things like that so I thought that was really cool it's got a little tailgate on it and things like that so that's about all I was able to really go after I wanted to kind of look at the tires and things like that because I know that YOU KNOW he had flared with other manufacturers for tires to help him out and then it and nothing no deal ever was made so he went and just made his own tire robbie YOU KNOW if people aren't going to help him he'll just do it himself that's what's cool about robbie so but the overall car it looked it looked good it was big the front the front clip was really nice I saw pictures of it with the lights on and things like that and really cool you know the the outline lights and things like that kind of like the fang lights on the turo s when that came out it became YOU KNOW iconic for polaris to have the fang lights and now you got companies like YOU KNOW 5150 and stuff like that to make kits for the thing like so you can make them custom and things like that so overall the speed once it's released we're not going to know we're not going to know what the problems are going to be with it but I I just still feel though a company as large as can-am a company as large as polaris or honda they still have their issues when car is released and I don't think robbie's going to be exempt and the problem that I think that speed's going to have is the fact that he's not going to be able to accept that robbie as a person is not going to be able to accept that something needs to be fixed or something needs to be recalled a company like players it's it's business they're going to if something's broken that's going to cause a big financial problem with lawsuits and things like that they're going to make a recall and they're going to fix it I don't see that with speed if something breaks like that and continues to break and break and break somebody like robbie gordon is just going to say oh it's your fault because you did this or you did that and you did this I think that's where robbie's downfall is going to be hopefully hopefully he mellows out a little bit I mean people pick on him a lot and I can't say I don't laugh but YOU KNOW robbie if you're listening we're all happy that you're doing this even your haters are happy that you're doing it because it's going to push whatever manufacturer to go a little bit further so but just but you got to you got to just let it roll off your shoulders because a lot of these internet trolls they don't know what they're talking about anyway YOU KNOW so I don't even know don't get offended I mean I mean somebody making fun of his robot and it's like he was making fun of his mom or something YOU KNOW like come on you're all right so all in all final thing all in all get the car done let's see it when it's done for the audience is he's really impressed he's more impressed than he thought he would be he was ready to YOU KNOW come at it with his pitchfork and it is actually a nicer and cooler car than you expected yeah I mean I would probably just I'd probably just carry my pitchfork I wouldn't like poke it so but the theme of it is is it it's you're not you're you're talking it's just all talk YOU KNOW and until until you put up I don't I just can't be bothered with it because YOU KNOW I want to push the envelope I want to push them doesn't mean doesn't mean I'm going to go to speed but I mean that somebody else might be making something cool so so I want to give my quick feedback I did a video on it I was like so tired from Saturday I had no energy I wasn't very articulate I was pretty fuzzy but basically the the seating position has a ton of room especially if like you're a big wide dude turn the head room west even if you're our height all right but I also think that that's going to be harder to see over the hood than a razor in rock crawling situations for sure most people necessarily care about that because there's a bunch of cam owners yeah they can't I was going to say or whatever so right I think that would be a challenge the doors obviously didn't have good fit and finish they were notchy but you because you like sit so down in it with all that headroom the doors come up really high almost to your shoulder I thought I thought the fit and finish on the inside was better than I expected because I felt like they've kind of been hiding that from us this whole time they didn't really have like finished door panels like with actual good shots until the show and that like kind of a fake carbon fibery look and I thought it was good like I thought the dash is going to be really plain but it's just efficient and nice I still prefer the polaris for the passenger just like the oh crap handle in the middle and they don't have that but you know nobody else does either I just think that's like perfect but I think the fit and finish is better than I expected they got to fix the doors obviously the couple of the welds people had a heyday on there robbie has been calling out the competition's welds and saying how good his welds are going to be so YOU KNOW if you fish it you got to be YOU KNOW for me like I think the the quality as a whole especially because I locked in at the 32 000 price so especially now all this other stuff has been happening in the market where everything's been going up that I got that car for what 1500 more than I got my YOU KNOW dynamics and I'm getting real bead locks I'm getting also some really good 32s I'm getting massive shocks the the the suspension is super big yeah no sway bar yeah you can adjust the the rear geometry a little bit on your trailing arms and the seats are super nice and that's one more thing just so I can throw it up there the robbie gordon rear trailing arm is stuck and it's and it's it's worked good no need to buy radius rods yes a radius rod plate or no radius rods that's just that was another solid but that but that that arm's been around for a while it's been on YOU KNOW the speed and the other speed and the triple x or arctic whatever they call it I don't know I forget I didn't tell you but oscar from 5150 was at our booth and he's like hey I want to meet todd romano I want to talk to him about selling whips so I walk over to the booth and I'm like I grabbed the shock and I'm holding it and todd romano's there and todd just starts he gets his camera he's like all right nick I want you to explain to your buddy the shock and how it works and he just starts recording I'm like okay and then it's funny because like taught as a mountain bike nerd like me too so I started making some mountain bike analogies and I hope he has the video I should ask him for I hope you post it because I think I did pretty good and I acknowledge when it was above my pay grade and YOU KNOW he was talking about the interaction of high and low speed compression and YOU KNOW yadda yadda things that get like extra hairy so but a lot I had learned from wayne wayne is in my suspension yeah I talked to wayne when I was searching for can-ams and asked him which came to buy and wayne's like YOU KNOW I said oh by the way wayne like I didn't get on this video and a lot of us because you taught me a lot of these basically real quick on wayne I was searching for cams and YOU KNOW they make the lower price xrs the 2.5 inch shock so I'm like wayne can I get the 2.5 and can you make it magic or should I get the rr with the 3.0 and what do you think about smart shocks and rain said the 2.5 is nick not for what you want to do you're a nerd it's not going to make you happy and then you can't am like aren't really that great like right don't get a smart shot so I'm like okay wayne I'm getting a 3-0 which led me to only three models which is the xrc or the rr in black and 10 or in black so that's what I'm saying it's even harder for me because I'm not going to buy a 2.5 base model right shock model all right well like I said the shock is massive it's it's pretty big and YOU KNOW it looks like it cuts your hand off like the machine the machine gun is pretty sharp but it's going to cause some more better to some of the sand car guys when it has more travel more stroke and more volume and it's a bigger shock than a lot of the cars out there yeah what's the deal with the and you might know this I haven't watched all the videos what's the deal with the aluminum belt cover the cast cover yeah so it's designed to it's got bearings inside of the outer cover so that that also creates a double sharepoint for the primary and secondary because as YOU KNOW the primary and secondary the the better they can stay in the same exact spot the less issues you're gonna have with belt problems like a high-end stm has the bar that will connect them so that was the design process of aluminum where okay the ribbing inside of it creates that that figurative bar oh so it actually like slides into place like over like a bearing a bearing goes over the primary and the secondary which creates a double shear to keep the primary secondary from flexing on the rods over YOU KNOW high output so it seems like it's really thoughtful of innovative but it remains to be seen with a 4c with four guys out in the dunes how well it's going to hold up you know right yeah okay so cool design the air box is also really low so I think like a lot of these guys that like mud and like deal with that type of stuff I think they've probably even going to create like a relocation kit it's cool that it comes right out of the little side ducting like right into the air box I'm sure it's great for horsepower and like for what we do but I also think for a lot of people who don't aren't just desert runners that could be a problem you'd want your airbox up a little bit higher because I mean YOU KNOW we've gone through puddles and baja that are above the top of your tire and above the top of your tire you're like pretty much right at the air box right no for sure like YOU KNOW above my pay grade but I think some guys might have a problem with the idea of that might want to change it around gotcha okay a couple other things I thought the fit and finish was better than I thought the doors obviously weren't that good some of the welds but like the bolts were shouldered correctly really nice high quality hardware suspension kit I was fired up on I just love the whole front knuckles how beefy everything is everything's actually double shear it's so nice you found a utv with not ball joints and stuff so it looked like you still you just the real teeny diameter tie rod though the tie rod did look a little small but and that's how it was that's how it was on the xxx too which it was like that car like when he had that YOU KNOW mocked up four c triple x or what do you call it the four x I think he called that the four yeah yeah the the four-seater version that he had which is really nice like everything but it that tie rod just seems so teeny it's like that car was like 82 82 wide or something it was crazy like how wide it was I started glamis and you know I can just see you hitting a big bump and things like that and that's high rod just pouncing off or breaking so but I mean like I said robbie's a smart guy he's been an off-road game long enough I don't think he's going to build something that he knows is going to break obviously not he doesn't want that so I don't know it all I'll just have to wait and see just a waiting game yep so there you go guys you got the speed lover the believer the speed skeptic we're all excited hopefully I get to drive one of these things I don't want to leak too much but I might get a chance to drive one in the next month or 45 days potentially we'll keep you posted but that's that and good way to wrap up the show so let's wrap this thing up wes we've been talking for a long time real quick what's next on deck for you events races okay before we get meet reconvene and glamis for halloween all right up until halloween it's getting busy so this weekend I will be racing the legacy race out of prim I think it's the battleborn race it's more of like a short course type of race I'm actually not racing with sierra I'm racing with the king randy so we're going to go out there and me and randy just gotta get that so it'd be fun it's just right there in pram it's basically the infield of the mint we're gonna do I think it's eight laps nine miles or something like that for two days with a joker lane like super crosstalk joker lane so YOU KNOW there'll be some tactics in it then let's see we have utv worlds coming up so we'll be down in havasu for YouTube worlds we've got to get another one making a longer loop because last year a lot of people didn't like how short the loop was any anywhere that they'll be able to extend it because it doesn't have a suit I I have no idea I kind of hope they don't use the same loop I mean because YOU KNOW that I mean it was brutal it was brutal like by lap four like it was just so bad that it just was bouncing you inside and people are like oh your shocks are two minutes it really had nothing to do with shocks it was just that the chatter so so we'll see and I'm sure a lot of that has died down over with the weather and the wind and things like that so I haven't heard nick I don't know I just know that they're allowing pre-running but they're not gonna allow pre-writing for like two weeks it's two days it's like Monday and Tuesday the pros are qualifying Thursday I think we race Saturday yeah then after that looks like we'll be preparing to go to glamis since the parker the final best in desert race got pushed back to the beginning of November first week of November so super stoked about glamis usually by the end of the season I'm kind of done with the sand but usually about this time I started thinking about the sand getting the car all pretty shined up like it was at the sand show throwing the paddles on it you know cruising around and obviously you know glamis is fun to to ride in you know go to different places but you also get to go and see the new stuff you get to see people out there friends family and just have a good time so glamis you know I've been going for about five years now thanks to nick and yeah I'm excited to go YOU KNOW I do once a lot have you driven like a can-am in the dunes or two-seater so yes the fans are going to want to watch get west's perception of the x3 and the dunes you have to drive my car I have I've driven a tuned x3 both two-seater and four-seater they did really well so that was quite a few years ago but they're pretty they were pretty good and these ones had YOU KNOW really good suspension on them so it was it was cool like for sure but yeah so they will be out there everybody knows we're gonna be out there we've told you already so everybody listening come find us come say hi come get your stickers come YOU KNOW just hang out whatever so yeah what you got to make it in the big banger man we're going to try to get 100 000 views we're going to try to do something different we always try to put together a cool video and try to mix it up this video is also sponsored by onyx offroad so yeah we'll see some integration of the gps app in a dune setting environment which I think would be cool I want to do I'd like to do a long day of just a lot of duning and maybe go to dunes diner maybe even go beyond it go into those areas out of bounds areas because I just I feel like we go YOU KNOW I just get I get bored of things or I want to just keep switching things up from the sake of the video as well as like let's go into that untapped dune area that we don't really go to we don't need to just go to the hill every single time for sure we'll be at the hill for sure we'll be at the drags for sure we'll be at the screen catching action but like we've done that so many times I think we I also want to just try to do something a little bit unique and switch it up is kind of my plan yeah that sounds like a plan of me you know us we're game so just load up the cars and you guys yeah bring them sandwiches and do it all day until like we're out of gas type of day would be fun yeah for sure so and I mean down there with with the dunes it doesn't take long to run out of gas though so yeah but but absolutely I'm excited like like nick said YOU KNOW onyx stepped up and YOU KNOW sponsoring this video and helping us and making it and like we want to make a cool video so I think last year's video was really cool I think it turned out really good I think people got to see it I think a lot of people saw the the content a lot of people don't understand how what it takes to make a video like that and you get the shots that we got but we're still getting we're just going to think of new ones and we're going to think of new ways to do it and the guys that we have helping us do the filming and stuff like that they're amazing so yeah I'm excited so yeah we got the dream team back and yeah I think I'll be kind of cool if we talk to a lot of you listeners or fans of the brand or fans of the channel so if you see inside the dunes come show it up YOU KNOW get on the film so you know especially if you're running the products or stickers or doing YOU KNOW flags or whatever we come say what's up so we can get a little snippet of you guys and you can be in the video because we do always like documenting you guys out and documenting glamis for what it is so like we want to show guys on dirt bikes quads three wheeler sand yeah exactly that's what glam this is even though we're a utv brand who cares like we want to show you guys would encapsulate what we think the culture and lifestyle really is so for sure yeah excited excited to see everybody out there excited to go out there and have fun spend time with the family let the kids enjoy it and YOU KNOW just have a good time so it'll be our first time being around the campfire for real there you go we should go live from there yeah all right everybody we're going to sign off thanks for listening things pod number 11 man always fun time chatting wes and yeah I was looking forward to yeah getting ready to see out there in the dunes man awesome can't wait if you guys like the content don't forget to like and subscribe and as always we have a whole lot more coming your way you.