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Yes, Glamis is awesome, but did you know that right behind Gecko Rd, there’s some really fun trails and washes? The group at Coyne Powersports led us on a fun 65 mile loop ride from Holtville to Duner’s Diner, and back. When we first arrived, it looked pretty flat and kind of boring, but it was one of the most fun places I’ve ridden in a while. No rocks, twisty trails, whoops, ruts and a few berms, along with a super fun sand wash, made this a great day trip ride. If you’re ever near Glamis and want to do some exploring, bring your hard pack tires and head west, trust me, it’s worth it.
Thanks to Coyne Powersports for organizing the ride, it’s cool to see a dealership help link people up and show them some rides if they are new to the sport. I love riding new places with locals, who know where all the fun riding is, it’s the best way to experience new terrain. We were close enough to see Roadrunner Estates, and with a maze of trails in the area, I want to come back and get lost, and put together another fun loop.
What’s happening Nick Olson Chupacabra off-road back in the desert in today back in Glamis but different taking on Glamis we came from holt bill so linked up with the guys that call Youm Powersports had a big group ride guys guiding us on a fun little trip really fun training out here I’ve always wondered what’s the Train like outside around Glamis and doing the fun little trip to dune resigner for lunch and we’re gonna do another loop section back probably a 60 mile round trip chill day but having a good time riding these trails I hear outskirts of Glamis towards halt villain El Centro so something I’ve always wanted to do one of these days I want to figure out a CI here for a week or two on end and then just go explore bring the hardpack tires and and deunan and then hit the hard pack stuff so love the terrain out here it’s really fun no issues anyone’s vehicle got a big group 20-ish cars or so here at the palapas gonna go grab some lunch we’ll check in later man we first pulled up to this riding area it looked really flat and boring but museums either get going there’s all kinds of trails everywhere they’ve got some little ruts in them some bumps some chatter and you’re going back and forth of bushes and probably the most fun part is you and your buddy can be kind of off on different trails but kind of racing each other some are smoother than others but really keeps it interesting you know there are some kind of little undulations some ups and downs I want to call them Hills but for an area that looks really really flat I really liked it you can see we still have a little bit of moisture from all that rain that we had in November in December which made it cool not too dusty considering and still digging the windshield I ran sweep I ran at the very end here I’m passing some of the guys just to try to get some cool clips of them and then slowing down but really blown away with how much I like the windshield doesn’t really cake up that bad from what I’ve seen so far other than when I was a big GL keep that pretty hot but other than being in the snow when I was up in Santa hollow it’s the only time it’s really caked on me and I’m a fan you know obviously I bring a rag to wipe it down but if it does get too bad dust buildup but loving it now that we’ve been driving with these tensor 33 so we’re going to do a review here soon you know just we’ve had them in multiple environments rocky stuff a stuff San holo here Glamis so we’ve had multiple environments several months I think between Andrew and I’ve got collectively about eight hundred or a thousand miles on them so we can kind of give you some honest feedback on how he liked them compared to the like the tires on a race car that hate to be ultra cross or some other tires that we’ve owned in the past couple XP pros on this ride you can see right there on the left family with an XP Pro four seater pretty cool and then a guy who was leading this ride when the guys from coin had an XP Pro two-seater so it’s hoping to get a chance to drive his but got busy had one ran out of time didn’t get the opportunity hopefully soon it’s so fun now these trails come and go together you can like I said dice back and forth it’s it’s cool train so all you sand Queens I have nice side-by-sides and you’re afraid to go put a little scratch on them this is a perfect hardback ride from you look at this you’ll see this whole ride I don’t think we ran over one Rock so good for you guys you might lack a couple bushes but those little scuffs to come out of your mirrors but I know I spent all this money out of these cool cars we don’t want to beat them up but that’s what they’re made for right so sand guys come come join the fun you guys don’t have to avoid the hardback this is all the good off-roading is and kind of point in this whole video you know like lambs is amazing everyone loves it but look at this this is literally right behind Glamis you’re gonna come up to some spots where you can see Road Runner and we jump onto the dunes are on our way to dinners and always wondered you know I’m that guy I’m always going down the freeway like that looks like so much fun I want to unload and go go check it out and check all the terrain and have some buddies in Yuma that also off-road straight from Yuma to to do nurs as well so I’d love to go do that ride maybe we can get that in before we lose them the riding season here before summer time so I’m see how it goes if you look to the bottom right you can see I’ve got the indecent Motorsports turning break or ebrake it had it installed we’re gonna be shooting a video on it really soon I got to goof off with it a little bit I’ll talk about it here in a little bit when it comes up but pretty cool pretty fun I made me drive in four-wheel drive so I don’t think I have the driving skill to use that wound handle I think you only supposed to use it in two wheel drive so I definitely can’t drive near as fast around these turns and two wheel drive but it’ll work on using an integrating mat to set the car up and I think it’s me more for fun I don’t know if I can drive fast with it and I don’t watch a lot of ken Block videos which is cool to see what he does it looks like he’s really just using the ebrake to break the car loose to initiate his turn and then obviously he’s good enough to use the throttle to steer around his turn or where he’s trying to do that part was fun Andrews coming on over we don’t know when the trails come together this is what’s nice about the windshield I’m pretty close to him I closer then go the GoPro makes it look and just not even dust get some good footage so it’s cool after you did our test session with weighing Israel’s sin you can check the video on our channel my car was up about an inch higher than Andrews and after Wayne Road and Andrews car he told me I should drop mine down so I’m about 16 and a half in the front with the 33 ‘s and I always just thought that I need to be a little bit higher on ride height but Wayne was telling us that you know ride height isn’t a way to come back having the improper setup so blew that turn so I dropped back down and definitely felt supple I’m running my rear crossovers about three and a half inches up from the coupler in the rear and once we got onto the dunes it definitely felt good you can see how it blows you to stroke a lot more in the sand just like it always does when you’re doing but probably still a little on the harsh side in the rear after lane wrote in Andrews car he felt like maybe the rear compression dampening might be a little stiff like we might go through and revolvers but basically this turbo s with Wayne suspension with 33 s I’m like literally looking for the roughest lines to hit on purpose just to see how hard we can hit stuff and super happy with it and we’re in the soft mode most of the time now and this type of stuff on all the hard pack but going to the dunes that run in the sport mode more and if I had like some heavier people in the back you just click it up you know so we would still bottom in those scenarios but definitely a little bit stiffer than the stock sprung car in the soft mode but as you can see when he chose the right spring rate a lot more accessories on these cars or a livelier than stock and and it just makes you want to drive it faster too because the same thing with our race car after he set it up the faster you driver there it works so we’re gonna cross this canal and the doors are open the locals said so it’s not one of those things we’re going to somebody to get in you can see that canal crossing and the fence around it but it’s all good all right here to old rival I’m trying to go around these bushes Italian man it’s a handful and two-wheel-drive specially was hard and slippery like this you’re just sliding all over the first year I own a razor I pretty much drove and to drive all the time I thought it was cool but ever since then I pretty much drive exclusively in four-wheel drive it just tracks so much better I can drive much more aggressively real fast terms pretty much anywhere you can see off to the right in the dust pattern everyone’s kind of off to the bottom of the dunes but I decided to jump up on the dunes follow a couple of guys that broke off and see how she feels it’s my first time with the wane tuned suspension with the hardpack tires and the sand so I haven’t had this thing out on Glamis since camp razor but we’re headed back here soon for Presidents Koopa dinners right they’re probably headed back from from breakfast this ride burned a lot of gas we I was just me in my car and completely topped off and I finished with one bar and a couple guys had more passengers were a little bit nervous so here’s me racing against cars that’s the 8 freeway heading into San Diego and then we hang a hard right and we kind of start going a little bit northbound and this was fun with Jam and it’s a good test for the tires because it’s slippery you don’t know if these little berms are gonna hold up and after you’re on it for a while you realize there’s no big G out so you just kind of start moving I think up near 70 miles an hour and you know 70 is pretty fast so when something comes up on you comes on you quick or trying to go around these corners and hope that everything hooked but the tires have done really well I’m surprised how well those things work and soft sand with not having a big tall tread profile so way above my pay grade but liking them in a bunch of different environments cool shop perfect weather look at those clouds as soon as it started to get slightly warm the clouds covered us from the Sun is an awesome day yeah there’s so many trails I think there’s two or three go in the same direction you can see some dust way off to the right that’s the majority of the groups I was just run and sweep at the very end and I’d find my own trail out of the dust and just jam this is a really fun wash there’s Andrew down there at the bottom because he’s kinda won over a big roller there was like a couple kicker jumps but none of them were really bad and it was just a soft wash with some chatter and once you figured out that none of them were bad oh I was trying to jump back down when I realized I was a really nasty rain rut I think I really want her to go down and so I backed up and entered in the wash up here a little bit later so here’s the wash has really sucked a lot of fuel you can tell it’s soft and we’re just you’re on the gas hard a bunch of fun little jumps this might be the most fun wash I’ve ridden in a while and this is why I’m such a big fan of dynamic suspension you know you get up to 50 or 60 and it’s nice to just have the firm and the sport mode because this type of terrain is exactly what it’s for you know like you’re you’re going pretty good there’s some kickers you want to catch a little bit of air but then I would bump it back down into soft mode because it really helps with this chatter so up here there’s some kind of some slight little turns and the chatter gets extra bad I mean I’m the last of 20 side-by-sides just today that went through this so they’re all four-wheel drive they’re all digging in the sauce and and creating a lot of this chatter and that’s where you’d want it a little bit softer you know but then you can click the button if you get jamming or there’s some bigger jumps or the speeds increase so it’s just so nice to have that the touch of a button it just makes it a fun experience because helps you kind of figure out what characteristic you want your car to do in each section it helps you feel what this is the car doing better and I think that overall just leads to being a better driver you can’t learn how to ride really fast over all different types of train without understand what your vehicle is doing and when to push it and when to slow down that’s the name of the game in the sport so now I’ve kind of linked backed up with the original trailer we took off on you can see the Train looks the similar from when we first started fun burn turn inside to get some footage Jamin threw around some of these bushes running again in soft mode just make it more plush I’m pretty much running the soft mode anything under the hundred fifty miles an hour now it’s got plenty of ramped up we hit something hard at those speeds kind of reminds me of a coral pink some of those trails are sandy and they’re turned this right here is the shot of the day and it’s just like having a fun day of your friends meeting some new people weather could have been better cool new riding spot surprisingly fun really fun train I’d love to come back here and doesn’t get much better than that that’s shot right there who wouldn’t want to spend their Sunday doing that learning that’s cool about this area if I was gonna take my kids out here my kids are small and that cruise and that necessarily find the roughest terrain you can find trails like when Andrews on that’s quite a bit smoother than some of the other ones so no matter what you want to do if you want to find some some bigger bumpy or stuff there’s some more of that out there and then everything in between like begin to hit this road back if you had to which I did it just to shew so we can hopefully get a still shot this would be a ton of fun after it rains to come out here big shout out to the guys at coin and I think well not other guys on the ride for leading in all the locals here that live in El Centro and Holtville to get to go ride almost from their front door kind of like me in Arizona tons are riding in this area I’m excited to go back and explore more and that’s kind of a goal at the beginning of the year is like to explore more around the Glamis area so you know you’ve done a lot of shooting out in pasture city and superstition probably because Andrew lives in El Centro it’s his backyard he knows it really well and it’s easy for me to come out and link up but you know just fun to always explore new trails we’re gonna be doing the Arizona Peace trail later this spring southern loop so we’re gonna be hitting up some Arizona stuff but I haven’t hit like quartzite humans and all that so after this loop of kind of seen most all of Arizona and I’ve been through California pretty extensively a little bit of Baja but definitely let me make it back to BOTS to Altima check out these trails right over here looks super fun if you’re like me or out in the desert you should want to pull over and go check out everything man definitely fun to ride some different areas just off the beaten path from a place we’ve been dozens of times and excited to go see what the rest of this loop looks like and check out all the terrain and write everything man I I can’t get enough of it if you guys liked the content please like and subscribe I’ve got a lot more coming your way.