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2019 Sand Show- Giveaways & Deals!

The Sand Show is this weekend in Costa Mesa, California. This is definitely the biggest “trade show” event in our industry, which means great deals.
This is the weekend to buy, if you are looking for a new SxS, parts, and accessories. The manufacturers (Polaris & Can Am) give the dealers additional incentives (usually $500 per unit) to help move some metal. All the aftermarket companies are wheeling and dealing as well.
Speaking of which, watch this video to find out what we have to offer: 20% off all of our parts and accessories, new Merch, new colors of our Cuero mirrors, one off schwag like dune flags, hats, RV stickers, dune passes, and more!
What’s happening to Nicholson here and we’re going to be going to the San Show this weekend is September 13th through the 15th at the Orange County Fairgrounds I hope you are too because it’s really the best time of the year to find great deals on new side-by-sides parts accessories campers and pre-much anything related to our culture so want to go through a couple of those deals first off starting with us we are not going to have a booth this year but we are going to have this race car on display at coin power sports booth what we are going to do is extend sansho discount Friday Saturday and Sunday on our website Chupacabra off-road comm type in sand show and I’m gonna check out you’re gonna receive 20% discount on all of our products including our new merch line we just launched got some new stickers hats t-shirts that type of thing so go check us out and to see those so once you go to the booth and you find this car if you want to win free prizes such as big oversize chupacabra trailer stickers doom Flags koozies hats all you need to do is find the sign it say Instagram post contest so I have to do this take a photo next to the race card hashtag Chupacabra site and we’ll be picking winners each day on greens are gonna feed the poor story post so it’s that simple finding the car take a photo and you’re eligible to win some free one-off stuff so you guys might have seen some teasers of some new colored Cuero mirrors that we’ve been posting well those are finally now hit production if you go check out Powersports booth they’re gonna have some of those on display and those will also be going into stock for some website pretty soon so speaking of deals speaking of the claim power sports booth going by I got to see their priceless they’ve got some amazing deals on the 2019 carryover cannon pulled airi-san Yamaha models it got all of those brands with up to seven thousand dollars off of MSRP so amazing deals on 2019 2020 s in stock they also have a huge selection of the turbo s for velocity additions the most in stock in any dealer in the southwest so they’ll be wheeling and dealing also be stopped by their booth they’re giving away 2000 grab bags which are gonna have some of our koozies and stickers on them self check those guys out dinner booth is also not autograph signings with Robby Gordon bikes 10 season RJ Anderson and speaking of autograph signings is also going to be one at Baja designs which I’ve heard Kenny launching some new products we have some curious stop by their booth in check about other deals I’ve heard of PC Iranians doing 10% off of everything excluding their GPS and satellite systems so good deals on their stuff as well as another company I’m excited to be working with in purchasing parts for a new racer build which is Madigan Motorsports guys make really nice roll cage doors bumpers or Canon Polaris you name it I love the quality of work I love their styling and amazing deal once a year 50% off everything so make sure you stop by their booth check it out and if you’re in the area first time they are vine there’s a couple good places you can stop and so if you’re new to the area you haven’t been yet I had a suggestion to check out that Irvine Spectrum after the shows up some great activities for the kids or the carousel in the ferris wheel have a great places to go grab something to eat for dinner Wood Ranch real as amazing tricep I love it and if you like Mexican food Xavier is awesome the spectrum this is an amazing restaurant also really strong margaritas so the floor to see you guys there soon they’ve got a good weekend excited to see all the cool new products new side-by-sides all built up and I will see you there.