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Today we take a break from our normally scheduled SxS programming…
Like many of you, I’ve been playing in the dirt long before SxS’s came around. I love moto, and I’ve been riding since 1999. Some motocross, some desert, some singletrack, I love it all.
I started riding in the deserts of Las Vegas with my buddies, which lead to a little local motocross and desert and WORCS racing.
In 2005, I moved to San Jose, California to work for Fox Racing. I fell in love with NorCal singletrack and D36 offroad racing. I moved to San Diego in December of 2008, and pretty much became a track queen while I still raced WORCS 3-4x per year.
Nash Powersports gave us the chance to ride a new 2019 Honda 450L. My first impression was that this was going to be a big, bulky, and too much for a guy like me that races on occasion and loves technical singletrack. I was really impressed with how well it did. With some real tires and the owner opened up a little, it would work exceptionally well in most conditions.
I’d love this bike on a long Baja ride, but honestly, I’d buy a KTM 500/ Husky 501 for the type of rider that I am, I currently ride a 2017 Husky 2017 FX350.
What’s happening Chupacabra off-road back in the desert today keeping a real getting back to my roots a little too ill Tuesday if you will try to remember how to ride the old dirt bike so when I first started the YouTube channel I was thinking man there’s nobody really out there who comes from like a dirt bike off-road past who’s really talking about side-by-sides and that was really what I did for a long period of time way before these vehicles even came around so you’re gonna see some of the tool action from time to time mountain biking on my Moab video a little single track riding I was in Utah last summer a little bit mixed in just to give you guys a little idea of kind of where I come from you know I think it adds a little bit of value when you’ve got another 15 20 years of off-road riding racing experience I have an idea of what I want my bike to feel like or how to make it better so I can make it through those long works race is what I’m suffering with arm pump or just having a more enjoyable ride it also really affects like what type of terrain I really like to ride and how I love variety you’re gonna see on the YouTube channel I mean rock crawling dunes and pretty much everything in between just because I don’t say I get a little bit bored but I love variety all right guys I’m gonna get back on this thing and enjoy a little bit of this moisture while I’ve still got it I hope you liked the review on the Honda 450 L to old Tuesday keep it real and we’ll see you on the next one how’s it going everybody Nicholson here with Dominic Cimino we’re here with Nash power sports and we’re out in the Arizona desert testing out the brand new 20 1904 50 L and dural model now this is a tree legal and dural model we all know that it’s comfortable on the street but we’re here to see how it runs and some real off-road terrain in Arizona desert so mother nature blessed us with some moisture trails are gonna be great and looking forward to really seeing what this bike can do and as a potential customer of a dual-sport myself how this thing handles on road add off absolutely we obviously know that both KTM and Husqvarna have done an amazing job with the same bikes in this category over the years and to see how to step it up between 19 and introduce something brand new in their offering that’s gonna compete with them it’s very exciting for all of us to wheel lovers out there excited to put it through the paces and see how it compares to some of the other models on the market let’s go out and hit some trails overall really excited about the bike definitely exceeded my expectations awesome to see Honda getting back in hardcore for us off-road enthusiasts guys that one ride I’ll throw it on road and derelict don’t want to be caught without the right tool for the job we find some more fun trails which is only one right answer when I look for yeah I think we all do for that excitement that feels especially out here in the southwest what you think about this bike has a hold on overall spending a couple days riding different terrain entirely from the first day the second day is a good way to test the thing kind of what it could handle as an overall package off the showroom floor we mentioned this may be the first time but it’s incredibly versatile I think it has potential to do a lot of different things well so as a whole yeah I mean I definitely feel like they’re going off of their inspiration motocross models the off-road models and this is a great extension to the lion this isn’t just an apparel bike that looks like a saint but yeah I mean you’ve got the oversized tank and whatnot when you’re on the bike ergonomics and chassis it still feels like the race line it’s like the next bag which is really cool yeah a lot you can get a lot more aggressive and I thought you’d be able to I mean I would love to sing on a really fun bike I’m really impressed – thumbs up to Honda again for for reaching out to us off-road enthusiasts with a real real choice I mean it’s not just orange and white we’ve got another song if you want to know more go ahead and come down see us at Nash power sports seriously guys give this thing a second look before you make your purchase another Chupacabra sightings I’ve never run across anything like it do you believe in the chupacabra.