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Chupacabra Offroad was invited by a group of Havasu area river rats to take on the upper half of the Arizona Peace Trail.
We wanted to create this video to give you an idea of what the terrain looks like, document our adventure, highs, and lows, and give you a better idea and motivate you to organize a trip with your buddies!
These long multi-day trips are so fun, you encounter all different types of terrain, and the weather couldn’t have been better. I highly recommend the trail # 7101 outside of Kingman, awesome and beautiful terrain.
I’m excited to check out the lower section of the loop and possibly complete the entire loop one day.
I think a 2-3 day trip like this is a good test, and easier to take on for your first attempt. As you’ll see in the video, there’s a lot that can go wrong, even with a prepared, knowledgeable group.
A SxS is by far the best type of vehicle for this trail, I wouldn’t even consider it in a Jeep or 4WD. I’m always amazed at what these rigs can do, and the places they can take you. My RZR Turbo is pretty dialed and almost 100%, I’m really happy how it worked for this trip.
Another Chupacabra riding so if you’ve heard of the Arizona Peace try you want to know more definitely check out Arizona Peace Trail dot org it’s a very great resource if you want to plan out a ride with your buddies there’s over 750 miles in the complete loop my friends and I here to get an upper section around 300 miles and the website gives you map GPS files as well as even a sample itinerary just to know you what you can plan for what you can expect as you’re trying to go from place to place what you need and also here are some highlights of our trials and tribulations just so you know and be prepared for what you could encounter on a long trip like this morning from Havasu Chupacabra off-road back in the desert this time Arizona peace trail three day trip we’re headed from Havasu Springs to Kingman Kingman all the way down to Salome and then Sunday Salome back to Havasu Springs we’re about 35 miles into our ride one of the guys in our group had an issue with this battery another guys got a spare running with a guy that I met when I sold my old razor funny enough so awesome group they invited me everyone’s cars are really dialed I’ve got what they need even got a chase guy in case we have a real issue really excited to get the new razor race car going back on good it’s running really well so far so excited about that just want to make sure we have a nice clean run and have some fun and check out some terrain so we’re in Havasu right above Lake Havasu in the standard wash area I’ve read not here a couple times pretty a lot of chatter a lot of a lot of washboard washes a lot of sharp rocks so just try not like I said stay smooth and good weather it’s not too dusty little moisture in the wash is still so it’s awesome so far having a good day and hoping to keep it moving get this issue resolved and get to our destination for day 2 so I mentioned just having a smooth run taking it easy the first time I did a point-to-point ride like this I got a little overzealous from riding slow and ended of driving fast and broke my car which is a real pain so I’ve learned on rides like this you definitely click get down a little bit from what my browbone paces it’s definitely not my grandma space or Fire Opal runaround face it’s more about getting from point A to point B you know making sure you have a nice smooth run I’m kind of tiptoeing through some of these rocks you can see some of the first sections I’ve shown you is really slow here we finally get to open it up a little bit and as you could imagine I’m excited to get in the race car get letting it eat a little bit but up just trying to really take it easy I ran probably more air pressure my tires that I should have but just like I said more about getting from place to place we have the long run multiple days and I don’t want to risk it with my own mistake of doing something by going too fast so speaking of pace the Arizona Peace Trail is definitely a slower pace than the similar type of rides I’ve done down in Mexico so you talked about 150 mile ride in a day it’s a pretty long day I mean we didn’t even stop for lunch we stopped to grab some fuel and bullhead but you have to keep that in mind and you know you’re also loaded down with all of your supplies your clothes your car is gonna be a little bit heavier more strain on the vehicle so kind of driving smooth and getting there you know like I said and making it so you can have a good fresh car and it be ready to go because we’re pretty much driving from breakfast until sundown each day and the goal also is to finish before before dark each day all right day to Arizona peace trail top of trail 7101 it’s amazing up here must ride if you’re in Arizona everyone’s having a great ride one small hiccup yesterday with the cars everything’s working great having a great time got a full pull today we’re doing 180 200 miles awesome start to the day desert yesterday mountains today got to get loaded up and head back to it we’ll catch back up later so Barret get the tire over the locker No so to wrap up Saturday man what an epic day we started off in the mountains having a ton of fun and then we ain’t ran into a couple little issues first off my car lost a fuse that burnt in the fuel pump and it not being a big deal had an extra fuse ten minutes we were back going then we get up a really rocky technical section and and mother nature put a huge rock in our way so at first we tried to move the rock a little and we all ended up gettin around it huge cliff drop hop on the other side but a little nerve-racking there for a little bit that delayed us about an hour and then we had a guy lose his bolt off of his secondary clutch which is really a fluke deal that I haven’t seen but it happened got that going luckily had an extra bolt with a bunch of washers the group I was with was an amazing group of guys everyone was really prepared it makes me really want to have a 4c vehicle all set up with all this type of stuff with all the extras you would need for a trip like this and just goes to show you all the trials and tribulations you can’t be too prepared so we got his car going then another car went into limp mode we tried to change the belt and it just wasn’t having it so we made the decision to go ahead and stuff going to Salaam just to come back to have it to spring so epic two days of riding super fired up on how the car worked so as we’re cutting back to Parker a couple of us jump on the race course section here up by where they do the the Parker for 25 more having fun and one of the guys just came into a section pretty hot with his stock radius rods invented so not surprised I’ve seen it happen a bunch of times but got the trailer got him going all good but super fired up how my car worked especially for being its first real ride I don’t get to come out to Parker near enough so since I’m here I’m gonna go get a little footage of the car running I’m super excited about that so enjoy this footage and thanks for watching if you guys love the content please like and subscribe comment below if you have any questions about planning Arizona peace chow ride yourself and I will see on the next one another Chupacabra sightings of their own crosses do not do you believe in the chupacabra.