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We’ve got another 2 part series, of a MUST DO ride! Follow along with my friends and I down in Rocky Point Mexico, we pound whoops, slide around on the salt flats, and cruise down the beach at sunset.
Of course, this ride always serves up a little drama, but we have a great time keeping people going, fixing stuff, and having another great adventure.
What’s happening everybody it’s nick olson you guys know the drill we’re back here off-roading this time we’re back in mexico rocky point puerto penasco we’re headed on a two-day ride with the rocky point renegades as you can see behind me got an awesome group I think 27 28 maybe 29 cars over 50 people last time I’ve done this ride was a couple years ago it was spring 2018 but got the wife with me I think she’s really going to enjoy this ride this is a really good ride for your spouse just because a lot of fun people on this trip you get down by the beach and there’s no dust which is really cool a little bit of everything great group fun time fun terrain what more can you ask for so it’s been a real busy few weeks it feels nice just to be down here relaxing we got the kids back at home so we’re gonna have a nice fun trip and of course good weather and have a great trip you know mexico never disappoints I first met this group of rocky point renegades back in 2016 I was working for polaris and the tv show you guys have probably seen destination polaris they came down here and and bill nash here owner of nash power sports kind of organized the whole thing and set it up along with the renegades rick and liz cervedas along with mike and teresa here so they put the whole crew together they had this ride going you know nash brought the destination polaris crew got him some some razors and we had an epic epic trip and this is my third time doing that ride so I’ll link the description of the in the description of the um destination polaris episodes it did really well for their brand for their um for their company and they end up winning an emmy for it so great group of guys I wish all of you guys that were here on that 2016 trip we’re back but we’re gonna hold it down for you have a good time and show you guys what it’s like this is highly recommended I got the drone I can’t wait to get some good drone footage hopefully we’ll see some dolphins swimming out on the ocean or cruising past so all good time out here in mexico oh potential that guy award winner already showing up late we got to cross the road again what tire pressure should I run no I’m just joking yeah don’t forget to rotate your tires when we get halfway up that’s very important so we’re going to have a group and a group b so if you don’t know what group you’re in you’re in group c that means turn around go home oh you’ve been on this right before we were gonna go last night it’s my wife say hi hi how’s it going she’s the big part of the chupacabra brand here making it happen and we got a little gift bag thanks to bill nash the team at nash powersports have a nice bag here get nasty cool some nice wipes for inevitable in the dirt always need those some chapstick cool and then these really nice tees very cool thank you guys and ash for sponsoring the ride hook us with some swag we’re at mile marker 0.5 and we already have an issue with gas cans falling off the dog has no interest in assisting with the repair we interrupt our program to bring you this important message introducing rocky point renegades off-road recovery episode one mexico well bad news we’re about 34 miles into the ride and we already one car down unfortunately this gorgeous can-am here lost a lower ball joint which caused the upper arm to break so unfortunately he’s catastrophic we’re about 34 miles in the good news is we’re right here on the train track and you can see there’s a highway right over here with these white markers you can see some cars going by so if we can three wheel him they’re strapping his wheel together they thought about taking the wheel and shock off they’re gonna go ahead and try to have it strap and see if we can get him over to the highway and then really he’s got a straight shot back into rocky point where he wouldn’t necessarily have somebody go trailer him back I’m sure someone will probably go with him just to make sure he gets back at least he’d be on the highway and the highways are straight shots bummer deal this ride man is is really hard on vehicles it’s sandy and everyone’s cars are loaded down and I’ve seen more more carnage on this ride than I think any ride I’ve ever been on so I I left I was gonna grab that champagne bottle it had to be the group in front of us I thought for sure don’t turn the wheels just keep them like they are let’s see what happens just real slow there you go just you’re gonna run over another one maybe help me push okay oh so you remember how we did it last time where we took the wheel off and so why don’t why don’t we take the wheel off okay now that he’s here can you yeah you guys are going to have to take a winch up so I know I’m a chick but we’ve been here done that twice and we couldn’t do it without the wheel being off because you plowed every time where you still have the steering what do you think that’s what I think we should do okay yeah on three wheels hurt yourself here we go here we go here we go do we need to go forward messiah oh the girls are gonna have to help girls you’re not hooked 190
00:11:12,839 –> 00:11:14,160 go with your thumb right to the here so oh ready so as you guys can see we’re making progress just gotta get them over these train tracks I don’t know if this angle is gonna be the best way to go about it but in these scenarios there’s a lot of chiefs and not enough indians so like it’s let a couple people kind of guide and figure out what the game plan is you know and keep adjusting the good news is we’ve got 100 yards to the highway so we can just get them over these train tracks we’re pretty much home home free he needs to go that way hercules um like five hours a little more there we go, there we go 232
00:16:34,839 –> 00:16:49,230 you’re ,you’re in good spirits it’s good keep going keep going we should get in and drive now go go so they should have it under power and be driving oh yeah oh yeah this is a good one I’m running to get you guys that shot right now man robert you’re the man I’m gonna be able to get that thing here to tear the people’s crap up when we trailer bit that’s what those guys did remember jack the back corner down no they we just lifted it and kind of like they lifted it and kind of put it into power and walked it on and then I’m gonna need this ratchet strap back I just got four of them for 9.99 home the mvp nathan the winchmaster he did the hard work for us you ever think a desert from arizona will learn how to run a winch like that.