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Chupacabra Offroad headed to Northern Utah for some moto and mountain bike riding, with a quick stop in Las Vegas, for some SxS riding to the Pioneer Saloon.
Another Chupacabra lighting what's happening. I'm out here in blue diamond Nevada back in my hometown outside of Las Vegas in my old stomping grounds that's where I grew up mountain biking and hanging out over the years one little ride we're gonna go to a little place called Pioneer saloon not too long over i but just fun it's still summer time it was over 105 degrees but now that the sun's gone down it's really nice and cruising with some friends and three cars four cars for a good little ride so check in with you later first leg of the road trip head up to northern Utah so this would be my side-by-side ride part of this trip morning from the Utah mountains trading in the razor for some two-wheel fun today up in the mountains of what's the name of this mountain range would you call it Wasatch mountain range doing some true first gear single track loving it up here thanks to my buddy Corey the local super fund just wrote a couple miles and where we headed up this mountain up here only way to roll up here I got mountain biking up here too I guess and everything so very true alright here's my buddy little snippet how good this single track is ton of fun first gear got a little tighter a little technical rocky section I just floundered on two rules every dirt bike rider should know if your buddy has the 300 and offers to take you riding go riding cuz you buy us some good riddles and number two if you let you ride the 300 buddy let me put some miles on the 300 super fun bike up here of course light easy to throw around probably have one one of these days is such a badass bike especially me being a mountain biker I love how lightweight it is I just don't know how to ride two-stroke so maybe one day I'll I'll get one in another Chupacabra sightings of their own process binoculars do you believe in the.