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SCORE Baja 1000 2018 - Pre Running and Race Action

We wouldn't be a real Off Road channel if we didn't go to Baja, right? Chupacabra Offroad headed to Ensenada for the 51st running of the Baja 1000. We weren't racing, but went to do some prerunning (first 110 miles), and watch the race from Ojos Negros and San Matias wash.
2018 Polaris RZR 4 Turbo
Walker Evans Edition
Chupacabra Offroad CUERO Side Mirrors
Chupacabra Offroad Door Bags
Shock Therapy Stage 4 Dual Rate Spring Kit w/ silent crossover rings 32" BF Goodrich Baja KR2 Tires
15x7" KMC XS128 Machete Wheels
SDR Motorsports Super Shorty Cage
Rigid D- Series Headlight Mount Lights
Rigid D-Series Driving A Pillar lights
Mictuning 30" LED Light Bar
PRP 3" 5 point harnesses
DragonFire Pass throughs
Ogio/ Polaris Storage bag U
TV Giant lower doors
Rugged Radios RH-5R handheld radio
Another Chupacabra lighting what's happening YouTube chupacabra off-road in Baja Maha 1000 we just got the town here with my buddy Dominic you remember Dominic from our MX of a nations video we filmed a couple of weeks ago with this amazing moto and Allison right had a lot of beers after that race I was a tough one not gonna say too many beers we got we got a passel to buy some guys from Great Britain it was a rough night Great Britain Ireland everybody anyway biggest off-road race of the year we just got out here hosted and girls we're gonna do some free running we're at race mile 38 we're gonna make it to 105 hopefully Valle de Trinidad have some tacos absolutely hopped so I've got to do a couple of razor rides down here this last summer in the summer before I got to run this first section at Ojos which is amazing Dom has already yeah no first-timers so that's the first time for me for the whole experience really I've been a San Felipe before which is an amazing time also but this is a bucket list for me you know to see the thousand come experience tech in the contingency party tomorrow yes our plan for the trip is to pre run to Valley tonight tomorrow, I'll go pre run the first 40 miles because it's not open right now check out contingency has some good food to enjoy all the festivities I'm most excited we're gonna come I have a race day right here a toast over the big jumps and watch Opie's come through my opinion and I'm there many times but it's the best place I've ever few to race at so it's gonna be extra special going over right now in the razor and then watching the trophies fully pin for the thousands of locals helicopters yeah as soon as that first chopper comes the Senate like covering the roads as they come through it's gonna be a while to see it in person versus on video all these years all right we're gonna get going before it gets dark get those tacos on let's get it alright so we just got done three running race mile 38 to about 110 compound valle de trinidad just enjoyed the real famous tacos there did not disappoint Oh perfect within the ride but really fun in Section a after we left oh so it was really fun over the jumps that I got really running yeah really technical deep silty a little bit but rocky yeah the silk was kind of like kind of misleading because from a distance you think you're gonna sink quick but ended up pulling up underneath decently but the ruts were still to you so I can only imagine if your 150th car on the line what its gonna be like on Friday morning when that everything is already going on so yeah after all the big trophies all the race chunks go through what was that Class B dubs but after mile marker race mile 55 it was super fun and flowy it's 55 to 70 I drilled that section it was super fun in that Dom jumped in yeah drove 72 a hundred and some big got just yeah I mean well even the first section you did after the famous jumps balls negros do some of that silt we got into some pretty nasty rocks that huh I mean we were only able to go so fast because it was so technical so rocky but then after that 55 mile marker ish it was like shit-eating grin the entire time so much month on sandy wash super flowy some of the best miles I've ever driven yeah and a side by side as always yeah and then we cost the highway to come closer where we're at now and kind of same thing we were kind of getting in the groove there's my first time behind the wheel of his car it's thousand turbo so I was still kind of learning the ropes a little bit 925 turbo internet hates when you call a turbo but yeah we started thinking it was gonna be similar in the section we just came from but the gotcha moments were a little sketchy sometimes I mean there were some big rain ruts a giant hole and this super fast like all cameras big enough to swallow a chopper too easily yeah and we just stopped on the nichkhun I mean on the dime we just made it luckily but maybe that's why we're here this is what it's all about props all the racers I mean we just did 65 there's 70 you guys are doing over a hundred plus so we're gonna jump back in the razor cruise back to Ensenada and get ready for the festivities tomorrow contingency it's gonna be rad an emergency go pre around the first section stone please get the first hundred 500 1000 ever built absolutely the real Baja experience so much fun if you guys get a chance to do it I recommend it yeah razor love and how the razor work just with the spring kit uh and BMD tires essentially is awesome I mean it could be better for sure long shot a little bit nice just being wider that what's really wide especially there mile marker 40 to 55 but who's down gravel around you weren't looking at the gauge we made know you can make it in a turbo from huh Ensenada to a valley TT race course all right tres de smuggled all been waiting for I heard Louis Negros over the big jump the chupacabra first annual taco taster 100 is over Meister man we had some good color miles tacos have fun check out the monster party last night but this is why we're here I got to be down here a while ago many moons ago and the energy was electric so first trophies coming around the corner hopefully the next 10 to 20 minutes gonna get the drone up in the air get some footage and she's gonna go biggest I'm gonna say I'm gonna say Robby Gordon all the locals expect Robby to go big yeah we'll see you man you know the top five guys are gonna be super close hopefully all day and this section in almost like their first time to start really to open the trucks up so maybe we get more than just a couple of sending it off this book why we're here we'll find out I'd like to see some four-wheel drive truck win I think I'd be pretty cool there's a lot of chatter about them obviously being fast Rick Johnson I'm just gonna go on the record and say RJ is gonna win it he's gonna leave from
start to finish oh yeah well but people don't know we mentioned that earlier we reran is like right when you leave a host right here within the next like five to ten miles it gets into some nasty stuff and people are saying that the four-wheel drives are can be able to handle how rough this course is so I guess we'll find out tonight when it's all said so heavy hitters and two-wheel drive so yeah I shouldn't be on the record if I'm right I'll brag not I thought he said you want to delete this cliff I thought anyone in McMillan last night but I changed villains gonna win I think I'm just feeling a kneebar we'll see all right chupacabra number one good work thankyou another Chupacabra sightings of their own crosses binoculars do you believe in that you ever.