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What a trip! I LOVE LOVE LOVE these big multi day trips, getting a feel for your machine, seeing new terrain, solving problems. Great times, Arizona rules!
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(0:32) Everybody, it's 6 a.m. here on Sunday, November 20th. I'm here in Lake Havasu, Arizona. I'm about to embark on a three-day adventure with some buddies who invited me on a cool run that they put together. We're gonna be heading back to one of my local trails, Crown King. Ironically, kind of back to where I live essentially. But today, day one of our three-day leg, we're heading from Havasu to Wickenburg. We've got about 148 miles. We're gonna go through a little spot called Wayside to get some fuel. Here's what it looks like on the map. Here are some of the Parker racecourse which I raced last year. Here's the Crown King ride, so I'm excited to go from here to there. It's gonna be fun to see all the different terrain and see some stuff that I might be familiar with and of course explore and see what Arizona has to offer. So we're gonna get going, we'll check on you guys in a bit.
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(2:11) All right, so we get going here. I just want to kind of show you guys what the terrain looks like throughout this whole ride, so give you a good idea if you want to plan a trip like this what you're going to encounter. As you can tell right here going through Havasu, it's choppy, rough, a lot of soft washes. And I apologize for the camera angle on here. I ended up figuring it out here a little bit later on in the ride, but hopefully you can still get a good idea of what it looks like and what you're experiencing because that's the coolest part of this whole ride is all the different types of terrain.
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(4:48) All right, a little update. We're here in Wayside, Arizona at an RV park. This is gonna be our gas stop, but unfortunately they don't have any fuel. Luckily a couple of the guys here on this ride have the big oversized fuel tanks, the AGM, and then a couple of the bags. So I've been running eco mode. I think we've gone about 75 or 80 miles. I'm still at 50. I'm probably gonna drop a little bit once we get going here, but we only have about 40 miles to go. So I think with all the extra fuel that some of the guys have, we're gonna be fine. So one of those things you can never plan for, but that's off-roading. Definitely makes you want to get a bigger fuel tank after stuff like this happening.
(5:46) All right, so we are about 20 years miles from Wickenburg. A lot of us are low on gas, so one of the guys, well the leader of course, Mr. Prepared, had a little siphon hose and we took a couple gallons out of some of the cars that had half a tank-ish to give them to guys like me. I was running on eco all day. I got 120 miles out of the car, but I was down to zero bars for the last couple miles. So hopefully that two more gallons will get me there and some other guys are blinking. We're kind of in the boonies as you can see and we've got like I said 20-ish pretty straight miles to go. So we're just trying to get going just to get into some more fuel and make the first leg of our three-day trip.
(6:43) We looked on Google Earth, the Google Maps, and found this gas station in a little town called Congress, only about 10 miles away from where we were. So we just had to jam over here to the Shell station, get all topped off, and then now we're gonna either hop back on the dirt or just cruise into Wickenburg. Wait to see what the boss wants to do, but great day, a lot of fun, varied terrain as you guys saw with the footage. Really fun, cool to go all the way from Havasu essentially to Wickenburg here in one day. And I got almost 120 out of my stock tank running eco all day, so I'm pretty pumped. And the car still felt fun and fast and zippy, and I'm running a pretty lightweight setup with just me and the vehicle, you know, and with the B2G and just what I need, my essentials, it's got a good fuel economy, so that's pretty cool and my car worked really well.
(7:33) Morning everybody from Wickenburg, day two of our three-day ride. I've had about 117 miles round trip today. Leaving here at Wickenburg, gonna do a big loop up to my local ride, Crown King, just north of Lake Pleasant. So I'm excited to go experience this whole route, haven't really been from here over to there, get into some stuff that I'm familiar with and take a loop back around. So should be pretty cool. I have some ideas for future rides of us going from Peoria, you know, up to maybe even Sedona, Prescott, this whole area, Wickenburg. So great first day, fun group ride. We have 10 cars in our group, no technical issues at all, and then we couldn't get gas at our gas stop and we had enough to make it by. But fun times, love doing these big long adventure rides. It's something we've done on our channel for quite a while if you guys have seen our YouTube channel. But it's really fun to spend 10 hours a day in the car and go explore some cool terrains. So we'll update as much as I can throughout the day.
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(10:00) For the photo, does that thing jump? Yeah, they jump really. Here's the size, he doesn't like Coors Light.
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(11:14) These guys, he drives a whole crowd of people.
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(11:44) So, fun first part of the day here. Crown King is always a great place to stop at. Just had a burger, had a good first part of the day. It was cool to kind of connect Wickenburg to a trail that I know pretty well. I've driven a bunch of times, you've probably seen some of the videos from this ride. But also cool to experience and see what everyone thought about Crown King because they haven't been and it's awesome to get up in the mountains and it kind of switches up and adds a lot of variety to this big loop ride. So I think everyone's gonna really dig the back way that we're gonna go down which is fun and flowy, there's some water bars and a fast wash, that type of thing. But overall having a really good trip so far. One flat tire earlier, I hit a drone or hit my drone with a cactus which is kind of a bummer so I'm gonna have a little bit of drone footage this trip. But it is what it is. Life's good and the car's working good, it's fun and catch with you guys in a bit.
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(17:23) And then it's not, there's some corners and then it's not as much as this and you're downhill all the way. And then you can, once you get out, you can basically, they could go out on the Morgan Ranch.
(17:37) Order the water tanks. It's not gonna work here because we're gonna pinch the brake line.
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(19:16) We're leaving Wickenburg this morning, day three of our ride. Man, yesterday was an adventure. One of the best adventures I've had all year. With the issue of our leader's vehicle, he lost an A-arm bolt just like I did with my race car. Luckily, one of the other crews, the only other crew that's in the same route as us, stopped and had an extra clip which worked perfectly for the ball joint on those Cognito long travel kit that my buddy had. And we got going and thank goodness because we were in a really hairy predicament. It's also funny because I've been in this area before. It's near Bradshaw's grave which is the Bradshaw Mountains, a little bit west of northwest of Lake Pleasant in the boulders area. And this trail must have just had so much rainfall from all of our monsoons. There were ruts. I love these long distance rides. You learn so much about how you want to set your vehicle up and how to be basically ready for anything. Parts should bring because you never know what could happen out there. So we took off here from this gas station yesterday about 7:45 and didn't get back till 8:30. Luckily one of the restaurants stayed open for us. But fun, fun day, fun adventure. It's funny, I've done the Crown King ride a bunch of times and thought, oh, it's a cool ride, sometimes not that great when it's dusty and busy. But when you mix it into a long multi-day trip like this, you know, we're on the Parker race course, fast stuff. Adding in that technical mountainous stuff, it just makes an amazing variety. So I know a lot of you guys hit me up, you guys want to be a part of these big adventure rides. You've got to have a setup that's dialed, but also you're ready for anything because when you're covering 400 plus miles, you're just gonna see all different types of terrain.