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Polaris announced its 2020 RZR lineup, and the big news was the all-new, Pro XP. With Can Am’s 2020 release, there are more models than ever, for offroader’s looking to buy a 2 seat SxS.
We haven’t driven one, but we look at the specs and predict how well it stacks up to the existing Turbo S line up (which is unchanged in 2020, other than the price reduction on the Velocity models) and the Can-Am X3 XRS models. These 3 are the “top of the food chain” choices for Southwest offroader’s this year.
Check out this video for a nice breakdown of all the little refinements of the new, ground-up redesign: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qjDt0…
We are sure Polaris will offer a 72″ version, eventually, but with its tall price and 64″ width, it’s got very tough competition. Watch the video to see what we would buy, given the options.
What’s admin Nickolson Chupacabra off-road and last night Polaris unveiled the turbo Pro XP 2020 let’s talk about it check out the specs and see how it stacks up against the can-am x3 so if you’re like me in the southwest everyone’s hoping for a new game-changer release unit 72 inch wide potentially non CVT well we didn’t get all those type of things but we got as an all-new chassis that is very refined compared to the previous chassis which really hit the ground for customers back in 2013 it has had a few iterations up to the current term last model so a couple of basic statistics the vehicle wheelbase has been stretched from about 90 to 96 inches the horsepower has been bumped up from 168 to 181 horsepower the wheel travel is up a little bit from the sixty four inch wide model the new pro XP is 17 inches of front wheel travel and 20 inches of rear wheel travel I think the biggest improvement of the whole vehicle is the anterior we’ve finally got some high quality seats which are on a sliding mechanism there’s a lot of adjustment for the angle and 50% increase of going forward and back there’s more leg room as the wheelbase is a little bit longer upgraded steering wheel upgraded – all the fit and finish features that Polaris has always been chastised for being behind the game they’ve definitely stepped up and to me just going off of photos I haven’t sat in one I haven’t driven one but I’d say this is probably the nicest interior of any side biesecker you’ve ever seen so a little bit more horsepower but of course the vehicle is heavier at 17 hundred and thirty six pounds and that’s due to the beefier driveline components there’s an all-new transmission the turbos a little bit bigger which is how they get to a Hyundai or horse the turbo is also water-cooled there’s lots more storage in the rear and one thing I like about the rear storage box is with four screws the whole thing pulls out so you can easily get to your motor and more importantly just kind of clean your vehicle out over those dirty muddy rides the fuel cell goes from nine and a half gallons up to 12 gallons which is nice to see you can always use more fuel especially these turbo vehicles they just eat a lot of fuel particularly in the sand all three pro XP models get a 900 watt stator and 30-inch maxes carnivore tires so it’s good to see a beefier real-world tire that’s about 33 pounds out of the gate a lot deeper than the big horn 2.0 come on previous version 64 inch Polaris RZR 1000 and turbo models it’s important to mention that of all three of the models none of which come with a roof or bead locks and they come with most of the doors you can see in the photos but they also sell a little door insert to completely closed off be a side of the vehicle so we found a great video of one of the product engineers Pat McArdle doing a complete walk-around of all the little nuances and changes we’re gonna link it below in the description I highly recommend that you check it out it’s about 10 minutes you’re gonna see all the little thought and design changes when to making this chassis better more refined little things like the roll cage has been increasing stiffness because the diameter of the tubing has gone from 1.75 to 2 inches there’s a continuous tube that runs from the front of the vehicle all the way to the back so a lot of thought went into how we just really refine every element of this car and that video is great like there’s just a lot of thoughtfulness and what they put into getting the clutches to run cooler and how they redesigned and the thought process of all all elements simple things like the clutch cover all the bolts stay in the clutch cover can’t worry about dropping those in the sandwich we’ve all done probably a hundred times so a base model starts off at 20 to 999 again 64 inches wide come with the base 30 inch carnivore tires Walker Rehman’s needle shocks the mid-level premium version is twenty four thousand five hundred dollars would you give for that additional money are the click six harnesses the telescoping steering wheel which is a nice touch premium paint and LED accent lighting so for twenty eight thousand five hundred dollars you’re getting the Fox shocks with the dynamics 2.0 suspension setup so the dynamics 2.0 system just is a little bit more refined there’s an oh crap button on the steering wheel that puts the shocks the full stiff setting if you’re about ready to hit a big G out or a wash and it reacts quicker to the terrain this version also has a Rockford Fosgate stereo and as well as the ride command GPS head unit which has also been updated refined and well work with other members in your a group without needing a GPS signal like it used to so as it relates to the 20/20 line Polaris didn’t change anything at all with the one the razor turbo and the Turbo S those price place and feature benefit are all the same it’s pretty much just be ng bold new graphics and colors and now things get really confusing we’ve got so many more options of Polaris models and we’ve got even more of the can-am customers this fall I think are gonna have a lot of work to do it’s really gonna blow down the price what are you getting for your money what do you think is a high value is dynamics worth the money do you not care is 72 inch wide non-negotiable these are types of things that you’re gonna have to figure out before you go make your purchase if you’re looking to buy something new this riding season the turbo s velocity remains unchanged with Polaris drop the price down to twenty-two thousand five hundred dollars couple that with can amps x3 XR s turbo R model which is 172 horsepower at twenty two thousand five hundred dollars and both of those stack up really aggressively to this base model pro XP Khanum earns the title again of horsepower king 195 horsepower on the turbo RR model that models $27,500 and also the razor turbo s dynamics is twenty eight thousand two hundred so in my opinion the pro exp is not going to sell that well because it’s a premium price point for a sixty four inch wide vehicle and most of us that have driven or owned a 72 inch why I kind of realized in the southwest like it’s it’s kind of a deal breaker it’s significantly more stable it’s better pretty much for all of our type of terrain that we ride we don’t have any with restrictions so yes I think this new chassis not having driven it is probably better it’s stiffer it’s more refined it’s roomier it’s a nicer longer wheelbase closer to the x3 xrs wheelbase which I love but I’m gonna wait it’s obvious that Polaris is going to take this chassis they even allude to it in their presentation probably gonna see a 4c version of it here at the sand show I would assume and then a 72 inch wide within the next year’s would be my guess if I’m buying a new two-seater tomorrow I’d pick up a leftover 20 19 km x 3 x RS 172 horsepower with the smart lock I think you’ve seen those in the local marketplace for around twenty three thousand five hundred dollars out the door amazing bang for the buck yeah it doesn’t have ride command but it does have shocks with a lot more shock stroke than the Polaris models more wheel travel and they’re very tunable the horsepower is great I rented an X I drove the four CX RS and Glamis I loved the horsepower of the km x3 I do think with the km there are some potential reliability issues and other things you need to beef up of course the bulkhead the stator doesn’t push as many electronic accessories as the Polaris has easily guys are talking about some potential issues with the steering rack so apples to apples it’s really hard it’s really personal preference but it’s my money two-seater I’d go Canon x3 wheelbase will travel and I think the value is really high there’s a lot of aftermarket upgrades you can easily bump up the horsepower or if you’re a real Glamis or horsepower sand junkie that our our models are anyone 95 and can only imagine what the tuner is gonna get out of these things with the upgraded intercooler let us know what you think below what’s the best bang for your buck which model for model year 2022 seat side-by-side are you most excited to buy thanks for watching if you like this content please like and subscribe and we’ve got a lot more coming your way.