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#1 Selling Side Mirror- Now With a Clamp Mount for “Channel” Shaped Rollcages

Looking for a side mirror for your Polaris Ranger, General, Can Am Defender, or Maverick trail?
We adapted our #1 selling side mirror with a clamp design, to work on these “channel” shaped roll cages. This roll cage design matches up better to windshields and doors.
Hi it’s Nick Olson from chupacabra off-road and today we’re talking about a new variation of our best-selling side mirror which features a new mounting clamp which mounts to side by sides that have channel shaped roll cages these models include the popular Polaris Ranger Polaris general can-am defender as well as the canon maverick trail MSRP is $49.99 for a pair left and right and the high impact ABS housing has a breakaway design which is spring-loaded and adjustable so it’s going to move out of the way without breaking if you hit some brush on the trail check the details below for model your fitment so you make sure you purchased the right Chupacabra off-road mirror for your side-by-side.