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The Speed turned 1,000 miles at the end of this trip, follow along to see how she did. I want to give a huge shoutout to FredRZR for the invite, on his #ProRandFriends ride. Most of the route was new to new, along with some staple stops like Horsepower Ranch, it was an awesome trip. I love Baja! Support the most legit YouTube channel in the game!
(0:05) [Music]
(0:14) You're going to get [Music]
(0:28) Factory [Music]
(0:46) All right, come to the sign swag. Here's a clue where it's at. Come get it. We need an intro. Anthony Chavo Loca, where are we at right now?
(1:00) We are at the top of La Rumorosa, ready to log some maybe 3, 4, 500 miles. We are all praying that the speed makes it, for Nick's sake, pretty much, because I know Robbie, the world pivotal moment in UTV history. Robbie, actually, you guys might not know, but there's a helicopter that's been flying us, following us since we left, so I'm pretty sure he's watching.
(1:24) Here we go. I only have one mile logged so far. So Imperial Side by Side, Fred Roos, the man, the myth, the legend, invited us on a fun ride, three-day ride. I finally got an invite. Dude, you guys have done rides without me. I'm like, "You fre..." One ride. I did one ride. That's right, but I was pretty jelly.
(1:42) Yeah, so we're doing a long day today. We're doing over 200 all the way down to San Quintin. So we got a full pull, probably my personal record for most miles logged in one day. How about you?
(1:50) I've done this exact same ride from here to San Quintin, and we had some issues, and we got to San Quintin at like 3:00 in the morning. So hopefully it's not that long of a day today.
(1:58) But by issues, he means it was a long line at Valley T for tacos.
(2:05) Yeah, I wish that was our only issue.
(2:08) Well, I'm stoked to have a Baja ride. I haven't done a Baja ride in a couple years and stoked to see how the speed does and put another 500 on it, hopefully, with a good crew. We've got mainly PRs. We got, I think, 14 cars total. The car is not ready-ready, but I'll give everyone a little walk around on what we kind of made happen. I think fuel-wise we're good. I know the Pro R is like 100 miles.
(2:24) It's kind of... I get 110 on the Triple R.
(2:29) 110, 120 with your 33s on it?
(2:29) 35s.
(2:30) 35s, so you're 110 all day and you're good?
(2:34) Yeah, I'm bringing three gallons in this giant loot pack just in case. I think I'll be fine. Cooler over here, obviously a spare tire. I brought a little charge pack. So here's my drone, little air, couple belts, some fluids, first aid kit, my gun.
(2:56) So how are the brakes, Nick? You like that upgrade or what?
(2:56) The new brakes are legius. I mean, I've only... A lot of people have been asking me about the spring kit and the brakes, but I've only really driven it with those big heavy tires in Utah. So now we're doing a review on these Regulator 2s, which I think is closer to stock setup. I think it would be much better to see how the brakes and springs feel now with the tire weight package that's comparable to stock and then especially putting it to the test out here in Baja.
(3:20) Better test, exactly.
(3:28) I'm running this Boxo K tool roll down here with the tow straps. So not ideal yet, but as you can imagine, we're cooking up some new storage parts here you'll probably see at the sand show and right after. Really wishing I had a GPS set up right here and then I don't have a fresh air pumper, which I'm really going to be hating life. We didn't get one installed in time, so I dropped the ball on that. But all that, I think we're good to go. Like I said, going to be testing out these Regulator 2s. I only have a few miles on them. Running 17 PSI. Ride height's pretty comfortable. What I've always run, the spring sacked out a little bit after Utah, so we jacked the back of the car back up a half an inch or about 16 and a half static before people are in it. So excited to get some miles on the road and obviously the speed's roots and the DNA is from Baja, so it's good to be down here and I love Mexico, so I'm stoked to be back.
(4:10) This Polaris ride SL speed. There's more speeds than cans.
(4:58) [Music]
(6:07) All right, good day today. Almost 200 miles. Fred, our leader with the Moses. Killer ride today. Got about half an hour to get to San Quintin, but I'm going to stop and get some food before everything closes. Good day, no issues in the speed. More to come. We'll catch up with you guys tomorrow.
(6:40) Nick, what's going on, Nick?
(6:47) Are we live?
(6:47) Yes.
(6:47) Getting ready to leave day two and we noticed our front axle, we all think it popped out as he backed in because there's no grease anywhere but...
(7:10) Going for it.
(7:13) I think that's about as good as you're going to get.
(7:16) Factory tape that, but now watch when we get over there, the clearances are going to be off, so...
(7:40) [Music]
(8:01) Oh, he's down. Hey, all right. Go look at that. Look like a fire. What a cheater.
(8:13) Hold on. Rock CER.
(8:22) [Music]
(8:35) Welcome to Rancho Tempo Baja, home of the Chupacabra sign, one of the inspirations for the brand here. Population 8, elevation...
(8:58) Morning, day three here from the awesome Horsepower Ranch just outside of Ensenada. Had a great two first days, some long miles. Just getting my coffee going so we can charge up for a short day three, which I think is only about 60 or 70 miles back to La Rumorosa. But speed's been running really well. Unfortunately, this yesterday morning, we went to leave and saw that the front right axle had pulled out of the front diff. So, pulled it out and the team, Fred and his team, everybody made some PS, got it going, put a seal saver on the boot, and we only went down the trail about 10 or 15 miles before it pulled out again. So unfortunately, in the middle of the trail, pulled it out, went ahead and beat the inner outer CV out of the axle and just installed that back in. And we've been running with just two-wheel drive basically all day yesterday and for the rest of today. So, a little bit of a bummer, but other than that, the car is working really well. Fun driving it in two-wheel drive, a lot of race course type stuff terrain we ran into yesterday. So, fair bit of rough stuff mixed in with a largely fairly smooth first day and a lot of miles. These are the most miles I've logged in two days back to back I think ever other than when I get to participate in Vegas to Reno. So, going to bring it on home. Couple little maps with the group, another guy had an issue with the ball joint, but no big deal. It's how it is in Baja. I think we're running a pretty good pace and always fun to be down here. So, we'll check back in here at the end of the day, but just want to keep you guys updated. Really liking the Tensor Regulator 2s. I'm running them at 17 PSI. Spring kit's really good. A lot of you guys have been asking about the spring kit and asking about the... Let me move my hand because I'm getting tired. A lot of you guys have been asking me about the upgraded spring kit. It sacked out a little bit from Utah. We put 100 miles on it, so we raised the backup a little bit before we left. Car is running a little bit lower than I would like. Again, like I've told you guys, the speed is so stable that I'd rather have it be a little bit higher. I think right now ride height wise is pretty close to what a lot of you guys would probably run. And down here for Baja, it's incredibly predictable and good. I just want to be up an extra half an inch, three-quarters of an inch. But I think now with all that preload backed out of it compared to the stock springs, the small bump sensitivity is even a little bit better. So, one thing I noticed, I might want to slow the front rebound down a little, and I only really noticed it once I put the new spring kit on. And I wanted to wait and ride with these lighter tires versus the Tensor DSR33 just to really get a good apples for apples feel. So, I think I might slow down the rebound on the front a little. Other than that, I'm extremely happy. And the brake kit is awesome. It's definitely much needed. You can stab it, break the car loose, set the car up a lot easier and better and drive more aggressively and not worry about coming into things hot and just carrying a lot more momentum. So, money well spent. It's very predictable. It's got a lot of feel. And those things combined with just driving the speed. And one other upgrade I wanted to talk about that wasn't really an upgrade but it's something that Speed learned. I'd mentioned on the previous video the first time I took it to Utah that the belt temps got very warm. I had broke a couple belts on this car in the first 300 miles. I was really nervous about it. Well, they made some changes in terms of airflow and I think blocking off one of the intake ports for the air and it's made a significant difference in the belt temp. So, engine temps I've never haven't seen above 215 this trip. I want to say belt temps I haven't seen above 195. And when I, more importantly, when I was in Utah with the bigger Tensor DSR33 tires ripping around in the sand, it was 105 degrees. I never saw above 199, which I was completely blown away. So, I think that's a big deal, big solution for belt temps in general for this car. So, big concern and that you don't have to, I don't think we have to really worry about anymore. So, it's pretty awesome. Haven't gone through any belts this trip, just clicking off miles. No one's gone through a belt actually. We had one belt on a Pro R that kind of chunked out and we replaced it the first day. So, bunch of really well set up cars, a lot of Pro Rs on this ride, everyone going at a good pace and good test. Good test and see how she hangs. So, we're going to get some breakfast to get on the trail and we'll catch up with you here at the end of the ride.
(13:06) So, and then at one point, do you downshift? Do you upshift? You're pretty much in second all the time?
(13:10) Second, just like high. I mean, I just use the third gear when we're on highway sections, but here, obviously, and first if you know that's if you're going slow and tech. Second gear just kind of like day at the office.
(13:17) Okay, sweet. Sounds cooler than it is with the shifting in terms of like banging gears in corners. It's just about having that extra, because then I think I noticed third gear on the highway, it'll 1, 6,000 RPMs and it stays out of the boost. So, it just saves gas.
(13:34) [Music]
(13:39) So, I haven't even done anything and I already feel freaking crazy.
(13:50) All right, it's cool to actually watch the car outside because I know what I think it feels like from being inside of the car, but it's cool to watch somebody drive it.
(14:01) [Music]
(14:09) [Music]
(14:24) Oh my God, this thing is incredible, dude. The suspension.
(14:30) Wow, I'm truly blown away at how freaking awesome it handles, dude. Even with mine, I'm hitting that firm button, you know, on the dynamics and I'm still bottoming out. The suspension feels so harsh, like the feedback on my car is crazy. And that's that I have the dynamics. This thing, dude, just planted, man. And it's so weird, like how you explained it to us, how planted it feels in turns and all the stuff. I mean, until I guess you get in here, you don't really know.
(15:01) Yeah, you know, I've been putting out the most content, but I think the real truth is when dozens, hundreds of people who have other nice build cars who know what they're talking about drive it and then collectively all of us will be like, kind of the truth of what people see.
(15:16) But that is so crazy.
(15:27) Man.
(15:34) [Applause]
(15:57) Oh, Papa Loa, first impression.
(16:05) Bad ass. My dad's a man of few words. You heard it. Papa Loa has spoken. Bad ass. Two words, two-word review.
(16:18) That's fair because I only roll in the car for about 20 seconds, but it just never feels out of control. It never feels like it's going to tip over like cars do. So, you get to that edge and on that car, and you feel like maybe back down a little. You got to always be like, what am I going to do right now? You know, like go with the turn. And this one just stays flat. It's just, that was like I think the most impressive thing in the turns in that, always you feel, oh, it's going to go over. And I'm always ready to just hopefully, you know, hopefully save it and counter correct. With this, I was kind of pushing. Obviously, I only drove it two, three laps, but like right here, I pushed it pretty hard and it stays pretty planted right here too. Kind of this last little turn. It didn't feel like I was going over. And that like a few times going a lot slower, that's what it feels like in my Can-Am too. All of a sudden, I'm on the bicycle and I don't even know it or I'm close to that edge and you're like, whoa, take it easy.
(17:02) The suspension is crazy, man. It's absurd.
(17:14) Is it as good as a revalved car or better than a revalved car?
(17:19) Yes. My car's all hooked up. You know, I have the full MTS works or whatever. And you know, my car rides good. Well, I mean, I thought up into this point, up until this point. But man, dude.
(17:29) I thought Outback Steakhouse tastes really good until I went to Mastro's, you know what I'm saying?
(17:36) Exactly, exactly. That dude, perfect. Everyone's like, oh, Nick is a speed simp. Here he is talking crap. But I mean, the bar keeps getting raised by everything. We all thought the Turbo S is badass until the Pro R came out.
(17:49) Yep, absolutely.
(17:55) I knew this thing was already better suspension wise, obviously.
(17:58) Yeah.
(18:00) The fit and finish, little details and stuff. I think Robbie has a lot of work to do, but the suspension is definitely where it needs to be, I guess, for this point in the game.
(18:02) On our shootout test, everyone raved about the cockpit of feeling safe. Does it feel like I was saying like a race car safe?
(18:09) Yeah, especially with the 5-0. I was all snug. The steering wheel was like at a perfect position for me and stuff. Comfortable?
(18:14) Yeah, it's comfortable.
(18:19) He said right away too, he's like, man, I like how you sit. I like how you feel in here.
(18:22) You think you see out of it okay still?
(18:25) Oh yeah, because the hood isn't like a big Can-Am hood or, I don't know why Can-Ams have that crappy line of sight, but I didn't feel at any point like I'm peeking over, you know.
(18:35) So, he's been breaking my balls, Razor Gang. I can already hear the shift and the tone of his voice.
(18:41) Yeah, man, are you going to buy number one? I'm the only non-Razor guy on this ride, so I've been getting my nuts kicked in. No, man. Yeah, I think I might have to get in line maybe in like a year from now. That way, every little bug is hopefully addressed by then. That would be freaking...
(19:00) The power feels good too, just in second gear. I mean, maybe like, yeah, if you shift it into third and it kind of kept going, I don't know how a long speed pull would feel like, but right here it feels pretty good to me. It's like when the RPMs get going, then it gets going.
(19:17) I'd like a little more of that low-end bark, like explode out of a turn.
(19:22) Yeah, I mean, what do you do? How's the power band feel compared to your...
(19:25) Well, see, mine's a Turbo R. I mean, and those, I think the new, the Triple Rs are geared a little more aggressively than like the S and stuff. But I don't know, I felt perfectly content with the power, to be honest. I mean, of course, we always want more, but yeah, I think...
(19:44) Anthony will drive it again when we get out to the dunes with the old speed key and it... Everybody keep asking me, where's the speed key? It's not ready, but an extra 75, you know, with this weight, some lightweight paddles, it will get around just fine.
(20:01) I think so, yeah. I mean, I want to see this thing rip up Olds, you know, like I think it'll just tear all that up. It'll look like a sand car. It feels like a sand car, you know. I've driven my dad's rails. We've worked on Tatums and high-end rails, name-brand rails as well. And so, we've driven those and we know how those feel and how planted it is. And that's almost what this feels like pretty much. It's wild. You just don't have the V8 power or whatever. But wow, man, that is crazy.
(20:27) You should try to take mine for a lap too so you can feel how crappy it feels. I know you're going to hop in mine and be like, what the hell?
(20:36) Well, I mean, I hope you don't, but well, I mean, you live so close to Glamis. Hopefully, we can get out before Camp Razer and maybe do a little session even for a day. I know everyone's like, mouth's watering for some content or some paddles for this thing soon. So, it'd be great to do a back-to-back dune run and just kind of see what it feels like. Or I can bring my hard pack tires. We can go out there. Hopefully, like maybe after the sand show, early October is going to be, you know, timing-wise, we got to get going. I think we got another 60 or 80 miles, but I'd love to drive the car back-to-back. I think that's the best way to do it.
(21:04) Yeah, that's why I did a lap in mine just to have a base. And yeah, those bumps look like they're pretty decent over there. And then it's hard to tell from here. I don't know. Is it good enough to get a feel for the car or is it too smooth?
(21:15) Nah, dude, go for it. I mean, even in your car, just, yeah, some of these areas are rough.
(21:23) The brakes, man, even with the upgraded brakes, I'm still slamming them like, oh, I don't feel that stopping. And in mine, I know in a pretty much kind of really quick, I can stop on a dime.
(21:35) Those brakes are super good.
(21:40) I wonder if it's a brake pad material.
(21:40) Well, he upgraded them. I mean, this is the Gucci, so I can't imagine the OEM ones. I mean, they must have been pretty crappy.
(21:44) Just felt like I couldn't go into turns extra hot and then knew I had the confidence to slow down as well as like I was telling my dad, stomping it, setting the car up, especially now that I'm in two-wheel drive today just to move. And that's why I'm talking about that low-end bark. And I'm just trying to... I feel like when I'm talking, I'm being really picky, like I want the best of everything. I want the low-end bark of the Can-Am. I want the plush...
(22:03) We all want to have our cake and eat it too.
(22:08) Yeah. Well, I mean, Robbie talked a big game. So, that's what we all kind of expected, you know, to have a super dialed in little Baja truck, I guess. But I mean, I think are the bones there. Yeah. Could it be for sure?
(22:18) Oh yeah. Oh yeah. It's badass, man. You got to try it, dude. I mean, he's been, he's, he's...
(22:28) Yeah. I mean, I guess you drove through all Baja, but just to go like get a base in mine and feel how mine feels in turns and then you come back and hop in yours and you're just going to be like, wow, this is a big difference. Because this is like a good solid track to just get like a good beating in really quick, you know.
(22:44) No, that was what so good about us driving the cars in the shootouts. And when I used to work for Polaris, we would do these comparisons to train the people who run a Honda quad, Polaris. And when you, it's very staggering when you drive them all back to back, because you get that feeling immediately.
(23:00) Exactly. Yeah. I mean, this car is not stock, you know, the internet's going to cry, oh, it's not stock for stock, blah, blah, blah. But you know...
(23:03) Well, I mean, that doesn't, I mean, you have a spring kit too. You have upgraded brakes. You have your little accessories as well. So, I mean, yeah, it's not maybe apples to apples, but it's damn near close.
(23:16) But it still doesn't compare. This thing is... Oh yeah, this thing is dialed in. Yeah, that's what I can't believe.
(23:22) There you have it, folks. Another unbiased review or just seat of the pants feel. It's quick. I don't know if we can call it a review. First impression is what I like calling it. But this is a cool little spot. How secret it'd be to have this in your yard.
(23:40) Oh man, talking the women, like perfect rolling hills, some dirt bike jumps for the kids. I know. And then you could really try out anything. Like if you build something off the wall, come out, do a lap or two, break it, tow it back to your shop.
(23:54) Because you got the badass shop down there. You're going to block everybody.
(24:22) [Music]
(24:37) I noticed a change in your vibration after this morning, bro. You just like, you seem uplifted.
(24:40) Oh, I am dude. I feel good times, brother. Can't wait to see you again.
(24:46) Utah, man. That'd be Utah. Then we got dune season right around the corner.
(0:05) [Music]
(0:14) You're going to get [Music]
(0:28) Factory [Music]
(0:46) All right, come to the sign swag. Here's a clue where it's at. Come get it. We need an intro. Anthony Chavo Loca, where are we at right now?
(1:00) We are at the top of La Rumorosa, ready to log some maybe 3, 4, 500 miles. We are all praying that the speed makes it, for Nick's sake, pretty much, because I know Robbie, the world pivotal moment in UTV history. Robbie, actually, you guys might not know, but there's a helicopter that's been flying us, following us since we left, so I'm pretty sure he's watching.
(1:24) Here we go. I only have one mile logged so far. So Imperial Side by Side, Fred Roos, the man, the myth, the legend, invited us on a fun ride, three-day ride. I finally got an invite. Dude, you guys have done rides without me. I'm like, "You fre..." One ride. I did one ride. That's right, but I was pretty jelly.
(1:42) Yeah, so we're doing a long day today. We're doing over 200 all the way down to San Quintin. So we got a full pull, probably my personal record for most miles logged in one day. How about you?
(1:50) I've done this exact same ride from here to San Quintin, and we had some issues, and we got to San Quintin at like 3:00 in the morning. So hopefully it's not that long of a day today.
(1:58) But by issues, he means it was a long line at Valley T for tacos.
(2:05) Yeah, I wish that was our only issue.
(2:08) Well, I'm stoked to have a Baja ride. I haven't done a Baja ride in a couple years and stoked to see how the speed does and put another 500 on it, hopefully, with a good crew. We've got mainly PRs. We got, I think, 14 cars total. The car is not ready-ready, but I'll give everyone a little walk around on what we kind of made happen. I think fuel-wise we're good. I know the Pro R is like 100 miles.
(2:24) It's kind of... I get 110 on the Triple R.
(2:29) 110, 120 with your 33s on it?
(2:29) 35s.
(2:30) 35s, so you're 110 all day and you're good?
(2:34) Yeah, I'm bringing three gallons in this giant loot pack just in case. I think I'll be fine. Cooler over here, obviously a spare tire. I brought a little charge pack. So here's my drone, little air, couple belts, some fluids, first aid kit, my gun.
(2:56) So how are the brakes, Nick? You like that upgrade or what?
(2:56) The new brakes are legius. I mean, I've only... A lot of people have been asking me about the spring kit and the brakes, but I've only really driven it with those big heavy tires in Utah. So now we're doing a review on these Regulator 2s, which I think is closer to stock setup. I think it would be much better to see how the brakes and springs feel now with the tire weight package that's comparable to stock and then especially putting it to the test out here in Baja.
(3:20) Better test, exactly.
(3:28) I'm running this Boxo K tool roll down here with the tow straps. So not ideal yet, but as you can imagine, we're cooking up some new storage parts here you'll probably see at the sand show and right after. Really wishing I had a GPS set up right here and then I don't have a fresh air pumper, which I'm really going to be hating life. We didn't get one installed in time, so I dropped the ball on that. But all that, I think we're good to go. Like I said, going to be testing out these Regulator 2s. I only have a few miles on them. Running 17 PSI. Ride height's pretty comfortable. What I've always run, the spring sacked out a little bit after Utah, so we jacked the back of the car back up a half an inch or about 16 and a half static before people are in it. So excited to get some miles on the road and obviously the speed's roots and the DNA is from Baja, so it's good to be down here and I love Mexico, so I'm stoked to be back.
(4:10) This Polaris ride SL speed. There's more speeds than cans.
(4:58) [Music]
(6:07) All right, good day today. Almost 200 miles. Fred, our leader with the Moses. Killer ride today. Got about half an hour to get to San Quintin, but I'm going to stop and get some food before everything closes. Good day, no issues in the speed. More to come. We'll catch up with you guys tomorrow.
(6:40) Nick, what's going on, Nick?
(6:47) Are we live?
(6:47) Yes.
(6:47) Getting ready to leave day two and we noticed our front axle, we all think it popped out as he backed in because there's no grease anywhere but...
(7:10) Going for it.
(7:13) I think that's about as good as you're going to get.
(7:16) Factory tape that, but now watch when we get over there, the clearances are going to be off, so...
(7:40) [Music]
(8:01) Oh, he's down. Hey, all right. Go look at that. Look like a fire. What a cheater.
(8:13) Hold on. Rock CER.
(8:22) [Music]
(8:35) Welcome to Rancho Tempo Baja, home of the Chupacabra sign, one of the inspirations for the brand here. Population 8, elevation...
(8:58) Morning, day three here from the awesome Horsepower Ranch just outside of Ensenada. Had a great two first days, some long miles. Just getting my coffee going so we can charge up for a short day three, which I think is only about 60 or 70 miles back to La Rumorosa. But speed's been running really well. Unfortunately, this yesterday morning, we went to leave and saw that the front right axle had pulled out of the front diff. So, pulled it out and the team, Fred and his team, everybody made some PS, got it going, put a seal saver on the boot, and we only went down the trail about 10 or 15 miles before it pulled out again. So unfortunately, in the middle of the trail, pulled it out, went ahead and beat the inner outer CV out of the axle and just installed that back in. And we've been running with just two-wheel drive basically all day yesterday and for the rest of today. So, a little bit of a bummer, but other than that, the car is working really well. Fun driving it in two-wheel drive, a lot of race course type stuff terrain we ran into yesterday. So, fair bit of rough stuff mixed in with a largely fairly smooth first day and a lot of miles. These are the most miles I've logged in two days back to back I think ever other than when I get to participate in Vegas to Reno. So, going to bring it on home. Couple little maps with the group, another guy had an issue with the ball joint, but no big deal. It's how it is in Baja. I think we're running a pretty good pace and always fun to be down here. So, we'll check back in here at the end of the day, but just want to keep you guys updated. Really liking the Tensor Regulator 2s. I'm running them at 17 PSI. Spring kit's really good. A lot of you guys have been asking about the spring kit and asking about the... Let me move my hand because I'm getting tired. A lot of you guys have been asking me about the upgraded spring kit. It sacked out a little bit from Utah. We put 100 miles on it, so we raised the backup a little bit before we left. Car is running a little bit lower than I would like. Again, like I've told you guys, the speed is so stable that I'd rather have it be a little bit higher. I think right now ride height wise is pretty close to what a lot of you guys would probably run. And down here for Baja, it's incredibly predictable and good. I just want to be up an extra half an inch, three-quarters of an inch. But I think now with all that preload backed out of it compared to the stock springs, the small bump sensitivity is even a little bit better. So, one thing I noticed, I might want to slow the front rebound down a little, and I only really noticed it once I put the new spring kit on. And I wanted to wait and ride with these lighter tires versus the Tensor DSR33 just to really get a good apples for apples feel. So, I think I might slow down the rebound on the front a little. Other than that, I'm extremely happy. And the brake kit is awesome. It's definitely much needed. You can stab it, break the car loose, set the car up a lot easier and better and drive more aggressively and not worry about coming into things hot and just carrying a lot more momentum. So, money well spent. It's very predictable. It's got a lot of feel. And those things combined with just driving the speed. And one other upgrade I wanted to talk about that wasn't really an upgrade but it's something that Speed learned. I'd mentioned on the previous video the first time I took it to Utah that the belt temps got very warm. I had broke a couple belts on this car in the first 300 miles. I was really nervous about it. Well, they made some changes in terms of airflow and I think blocking off one of the intake ports for the air and it's made a significant difference in the belt temp. So, engine temps I've never haven't seen above 215 this trip. I want to say belt temps I haven't seen above 195. And when I, more importantly, when I was in Utah with the bigger Tensor DSR33 tires ripping around in the sand, it was 105 degrees. I never saw above 199, which I was completely blown away. So, I think that's a big deal, big solution for belt temps in general for this car. So, big concern and that you don't have to, I don't think we have to really worry about anymore. So, it's pretty awesome. Haven't gone through any belts this trip, just clicking off miles. No one's gone through a belt actually. We had one belt on a Pro R that kind of chunked out and we replaced it the first day. So, bunch of really well set up cars, a lot of Pro Rs on this ride, everyone going at a good pace and good test. Good test and see how she hangs. So, we're going to get some breakfast to get on the trail and we'll catch up with you here at the end of the ride.
(13:06) So, and then at one point, do you downshift? Do you upshift? You're pretty much in second all the time?
(13:10) Second, just like high. I mean, I just use the third gear when we're on highway sections, but here, obviously, and first if you know that's if you're going slow and tech. Second gear just kind of like day at the office.
(13:17) Okay, sweet. Sounds cooler than it is with the shifting in terms of like banging gears in corners. It's just about having that extra, because then I think I noticed third gear on the highway, it'll 1, 6,000 RPMs and it stays out of the boost. So, it just saves gas.
(13:34) [Music]
(13:39) So, I haven't even done anything and I already feel freaking crazy.
(13:50) All right, it's cool to actually watch the car outside because I know what I think it feels like from being inside of the car, but it's cool to watch somebody drive it.
(14:01) [Music]
(14:09) [Music]
(14:24) Oh my God, this thing is incredible, dude. The suspension.
(14:30) Wow, I'm truly blown away at how freaking awesome it handles, dude. Even with mine, I'm hitting that firm button, you know, on the dynamics and I'm still bottoming out. The suspension feels so harsh, like the feedback on my car is crazy. And that's that I have the dynamics. This thing, dude, just planted, man. And it's so weird, like how you explained it to us, how planted it feels in turns and all the stuff. I mean, until I guess you get in here, you don't really know.
(15:01) Yeah, you know, I've been putting out the most content, but I think the real truth is when dozens, hundreds of people who have other nice build cars who know what they're talking about drive it and then collectively all of us will be like, kind of the truth of what people see.
(15:16) But that is so crazy.
(15:27) Man.
(15:34) [Applause]
(15:57) Oh, Papa Loa, first impression.
(16:05) Bad ass. My dad's a man of few words. You heard it. Papa Loa has spoken. Bad ass. Two words, two-word review.
(16:18) That's fair because I only roll in the car for about 20 seconds, but it just never feels out of control. It never feels like it's going to tip over like cars do. So, you get to that edge and on that car, and you feel like maybe back down a little. You got to always be like, what am I going to do right now? You know, like go with the turn. And this one just stays flat. It's just, that was like I think the most impressive thing in the turns in that, always you feel, oh, it's going to go over. And I'm always ready to just hopefully, you know, hopefully save it and counter correct. With this, I was kind of pushing. Obviously, I only drove it two, three laps, but like right here, I pushed it pretty hard and it stays pretty planted right here too. Kind of this last little turn. It didn't feel like I was going over. And that like a few times going a lot slower, that's what it feels like in my Can-Am too. All of a sudden, I'm on the bicycle and I don't even know it or I'm close to that edge and you're like, whoa, take it easy.
(17:02) The suspension is crazy, man. It's absurd.
(17:14) Is it as good as a revalved car or better than a revalved car?
(17:19) Yes. My car's all hooked up. You know, I have the full MTS works or whatever. And you know, my car rides good. Well, I mean, I thought up into this point, up until this point. But man, dude.
(17:29) I thought Outback Steakhouse tastes really good until I went to Mastro's, you know what I'm saying?
(17:36) Exactly, exactly. That dude, perfect. Everyone's like, oh, Nick is a speed simp. Here he is talking crap. But I mean, the bar keeps getting raised by everything. We all thought the Turbo S is badass until the Pro R came out.
(17:49) Yep, absolutely.
(17:55) I knew this thing was already better suspension wise, obviously.
(17:58) Yeah.
(18:00) The fit and finish, little details and stuff. I think Robbie has a lot of work to do, but the suspension is definitely where it needs to be, I guess, for this point in the game.
(18:02) On our shootout test, everyone raved about the cockpit of feeling safe. Does it feel like I was saying like a race car safe?
(18:09) Yeah, especially with the 5-0. I was all snug. The steering wheel was like at a perfect position for me and stuff. Comfortable?
(18:14) Yeah, it's comfortable.
(18:19) He said right away too, he's like, man, I like how you sit. I like how you feel in here.
(18:22) You think you see out of it okay still?
(18:25) Oh yeah, because the hood isn't like a big Can-Am hood or, I don't know why Can-Ams have that crappy line of sight, but I didn't feel at any point like I'm peeking over, you know.
(18:35) So, he's been breaking my balls, Razor Gang. I can already hear the shift and the tone of his voice.
(18:41) Yeah, man, are you going to buy number one? I'm the only non-Razor guy on this ride, so I've been getting my nuts kicked in. No, man. Yeah, I think I might have to get in line maybe in like a year from now. That way, every little bug is hopefully addressed by then. That would be freaking...
(19:00) The power feels good too, just in second gear. I mean, maybe like, yeah, if you shift it into third and it kind of kept going, I don't know how a long speed pull would feel like, but right here it feels pretty good to me. It's like when the RPMs get going, then it gets going.
(19:17) I'd like a little more of that low-end bark, like explode out of a turn.
(19:22) Yeah, I mean, what do you do? How's the power band feel compared to your...
(19:25) Well, see, mine's a Turbo R. I mean, and those, I think the new, the Triple Rs are geared a little more aggressively than like the S and stuff. But I don't know, I felt perfectly content with the power, to be honest. I mean, of course, we always want more, but yeah, I think...
(19:44) Anthony will drive it again when we get out to the dunes with the old speed key and it... Everybody keep asking me, where's the speed key? It's not ready, but an extra 75, you know, with this weight, some lightweight paddles, it will get around just fine.
(20:01) I think so, yeah. I mean, I want to see this thing rip up Olds, you know, like I think it'll just tear all that up. It'll look like a sand car. It feels like a sand car, you know. I've driven my dad's rails. We've worked on Tatums and high-end rails, name-brand rails as well. And so, we've driven those and we know how those feel and how planted it is. And that's almost what this feels like pretty much. It's wild. You just don't have the V8 power or whatever. But wow, man, that is crazy.
(20:27) You should try to take mine for a lap too so you can feel how crappy it feels. I know you're going to hop in mine and be like, what the hell?
(20:36) Well, I mean, I hope you don't, but well, I mean, you live so close to Glamis. Hopefully, we can get out before Camp Razer and maybe do a little session even for a day. I know everyone's like, mouth's watering for some content or some paddles for this thing soon. So, it'd be great to do a back-to-back dune run and just kind of see what it feels like. Or I can bring my hard pack tires. We can go out there. Hopefully, like maybe after the sand show, early October is going to be, you know, timing-wise, we got to get going. I think we got another 60 or 80 miles, but I'd love to drive the car back-to-back. I think that's the best way to do it.
(21:04) Yeah, that's why I did a lap in mine just to have a base. And yeah, those bumps look like they're pretty decent over there. And then it's hard to tell from here. I don't know. Is it good enough to get a feel for the car or is it too smooth?
(21:15) Nah, dude, go for it. I mean, even in your car, just, yeah, some of these areas are rough.
(21:23) The brakes, man, even with the upgraded brakes, I'm still slamming them like, oh, I don't feel that stopping. And in mine, I know in a pretty much kind of really quick, I can stop on a dime.
(21:35) Those brakes are super good.
(21:40) I wonder if it's a brake pad material.
(21:40) Well, he upgraded them. I mean, this is the Gucci, so I can't imagine the OEM ones. I mean, they must have been pretty crappy.
(21:44) Just felt like I couldn't go into turns extra hot and then knew I had the confidence to slow down as well as like I was telling my dad, stomping it, setting the car up, especially now that I'm in two-wheel drive today just to move. And that's why I'm talking about that low-end bark. And I'm just trying to... I feel like when I'm talking, I'm being really picky, like I want the best of everything. I want the low-end bark of the Can-Am. I want the plush...
(22:03) We all want to have our cake and eat it too.
(22:08) Yeah. Well, I mean, Robbie talked a big game. So, that's what we all kind of expected, you know, to have a super dialed in little Baja truck, I guess. But I mean, I think are the bones there. Yeah. Could it be for sure?
(22:18) Oh yeah. Oh yeah. It's badass, man. You got to try it, dude. I mean, he's been, he's, he's...
(22:28) Yeah. I mean, I guess you drove through all Baja, but just to go like get a base in mine and feel how mine feels in turns and then you come back and hop in yours and you're just going to be like, wow, this is a big difference. Because this is like a good solid track to just get like a good beating in really quick, you know.
(22:44) No, that was what so good about us driving the cars in the shootouts. And when I used to work for Polaris, we would do these comparisons to train the people who run a Honda quad, Polaris. And when you, it's very staggering when you drive them all back to back, because you get that feeling immediately.
(23:00) Exactly. Yeah. I mean, this car is not stock, you know, the internet's going to cry, oh, it's not stock for stock, blah, blah, blah. But you know...
(23:03) Well, I mean, that doesn't, I mean, you have a spring kit too. You have upgraded brakes. You have your little accessories as well. So, I mean, yeah, it's not maybe apples to apples, but it's damn near close.
(23:16) But it still doesn't compare. This thing is... Oh yeah, this thing is dialed in. Yeah, that's what I can't believe.
(23:22) There you have it, folks. Another unbiased review or just seat of the pants feel. It's quick. I don't know if we can call it a review. First impression is what I like calling it. But this is a cool little spot. How secret it'd be to have this in your yard.
(23:40) Oh man, talking the women, like perfect rolling hills, some dirt bike jumps for the kids. I know. And then you could really try out anything. Like if you build something off the wall, come out, do a lap or two, break it, tow it back to your shop.
(23:54) Because you got the badass shop down there. You're going to block everybody.
(24:22) [Music]
(24:37) I noticed a change in your vibration after this morning, bro. You just like, you seem uplifted.
(24:40) Oh, I am dude. I feel good times, brother. Can't wait to see you again.
(24:46) Utah, man. That'd be Utah. Then we got dune season right around the corner.