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Offroad 15″ Rear View Mirror SXS

Offroad 15″ Rear View Mirror SXS
Hi, Nick Chupacabra off-road and I wanted to tell you about our centromere for side-by-sides this is a 1.75-inch clamp so it fits most models if you’re unsure you can check out our Amazon listing or our website you forgot our off-road just to verify but this is a top-selling centromere for us it’s $19.99 got over 330 real reviews with a 4.6 rating on Amazon and this is great it’s a nice wide field of vision almost 15 inches wide nice 30 construction and mounts with rubber washers prevent vibration like all of our products it’s got a lifetime warranty and if you’d like to see the rest of our product offerings check us out online Chupacabraoffroad.com