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The world is going 72″, here’s a solid option that’s a litter cheaper and a great base to build off if you are going to customize.
This video has the vital info on the EXACT differences between this new model and the Live Valve Dynamix, and our take on how it compares to the CanAm X3 XRS.
Intro Photo Credit: @utvguide
What’s up YouTube if you’re in the market for a new side-by-side Polaris just gave us one more option to consider the razor as turbo velocity addition so Turbo S has been out for several months now and a lot of the feedbacks been great and I think Polaris made a smart move by offering another version more value minded and a lower price point than the existing Dynamics edition so the velocity addition the main difference is the removal of the Dynamics Fox live valve shocks and the ride command in favor of some Walker Edmunds velocity shocks they’re a 3.0 rear 2.5 front they do have high and low speed compression adjustment which is nice and they still have dual rate coils and the MSRP drops down to 25,000 399 for this new model it’s worth mentioning that the current dynamics version MSRP has been bumped up to 28 $1.99 difference is still about twenty hundred dollars in terms of the four seater the four seater also had a price increase in the dynamics from thirty thousand four ninety nine to thirty thousand nine ninety nine and the new version of the velocity four seater Turbo S comes in at twenty eight 399 now spec wise the velocity still has the 32 inch ITP coyote tire 72 inch track with same travel numbers it just doesn’t have a few of the additional features on top of the shocks and those features are premium paint is also gone lower doors are gone the roof is gone ride command like I mentioned is gone as well as the LED accent lighting so really this gives you something to think about and be mindful of when you start comparing what is apples to apples all those things I just mentioned do have value if you like the the premium ping you like the LED accents have indoors in a roof well then maybe the dynamics is something that you should consider but honestly I think this velocity is gonna do really well it’s more of a blank canvas for a customer who wants to already accessorize their I have an idea of what they’re looking to do they’re probably gonna do a cage maybe some different type of doors so now with the velocity Edition they did make a couple running change improvements three total the first is 25% increase in our steering assist at high speeds a new throttle map which just supposed to increase some sensitivity and some hit down low and then finally the clutch box has been redesigned just for cooler belt temps and that better air flow so it’s good to see the Polaris is continually working on making improvements just to make the machines even better and more reliable than they already are now as a potential customer of each of these really gives me a lot to think about it do love the blank canvas idea of just having a neutral color with a few thousand dollars less but honestly I’m a believer in live valve but I think the Fox technology is really cool I think what’s weird about it is it’s designed for a guy who doesn’t know how to adjust the suspension in the sense that there’s just three buttons three three adjustments and then it’s also the latest and greatest technology which I think will be the norm here in a couple more years so for me if I got a live valve dynamics I would of course get a spring kit with some crossover rings and then you know just kind of hang tight I’m pretty sure in the future we’re gonna see some some open source options like downloading specific tunes let’s say an RJ Anderson tune or a shock therapy Glamis tune or these type of things we could really kind of get into this thing and see what it’s capable of I do think a lot of off-roaders or maybe a little put off by it just because you know as off-roaders we’re kind of like these keep it simple stupid we don’t want one more thing that can potentially go wrong more complex more electronics always having things which kind of counterculture for most of us off-road enthusiasts so I would probably it’s hard to figure out based on the price of course but I’m not sure which way I would go if I was to buy one of these tomorrow the bigger question is is if you’re in the market for new side by side you’re considering a Turbo S or a can-am x3 xrs well then it becomes really complex here in Arizona there’s some really good out the door deals right now on xrs is particularly carry over 20 18 and 18 and a half models and you can pick up an smartlock x RS two-seater for around 24 grand out the door so in my opinion that’s the best deal on the market right now I was gonna buy a 2 seater tomorrow that’s what I would get on the plus side for the turbo s you know I think there’s some real advantages of this machine over the x3 I think coming clutched for 32 inch tires is a big deal I mean all of us are running heavier 40 pound plus robust 32 inch tires some guys on 35 s and from what I’ve seen and heard around the campfire it sounds like the turbo S is proven to be really reliable they beefed up the drive line they address some potential weak points that we’ve all kind of been griping about for years so you know that’s a huge selling point especially I’m starting to hear other more interesting thoughts and rumors around the campfire of these km’s guys are looking at updating their brakes they wanna upgrade their power steering system you know I do think the cams you’re really reliable in terms of belt and clutching but you know I don’t know if these heavy 35 inch tires are causing guys to want more braking power more power steering response I’m also you know obviously seeing a lot of issues with people buckling front ends honestly if I got an X 3 the first thing I would do is get a bulkhead for it and then I’ve heard of you know some bed trailing arms those type of things maybe more so then then some razors but it’s hard to really understand or see what the actual truth is I just I think if you’re comparing apples to apples you’re gonna buy a turbo S or an X 3 X RS I would set aside some money on the X 3 X RS and beef up the chassis particularly with a bulkhead kit at the very least let me know what you guys think comment below a comment if you think the velocity is a good step forward if you think you’re gonna buy it over the dynamics or you prefer the standard Fox if you liked the video please like and subscribe and we’ve got more great content coming your way another Chupacabra sightings there were laws enacted do you believe in the chupacabra.