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Before You Start Buying Electronics – Watch This

No matter what SxS you have, adding you have some level of electronics. Using your smartphone for music or navigation? Does everyone in your group have radios? Want a loud stereo? Is exploring new riding areas your goal, and you want to use LeaeNav? You can save a lot of money, if you figure out which items are most important, and also, how all of these items fit in your machine.
Don’t buy any electronic accessories until you listen to these next five points I’m Nick Olsen founder of chupacabra off-road determine your priorities amongst audio stereo GPS and communications are you going to be running a helmet is a loud stereo a bigger priority you’ve only got so much room on the dash and you need to be thoughtful about how you’re integrating maybe your playlist from your smartphone or tablet if you’re running music or if just running music through a helmet through an intercom system is good enough for you before you start making these purchases talk to some of your riding buddies who have already been down the road of accessorizing their vehicles and align with others that have similar priorities to yourself personally I’m using a iPad for a GPS using the lead nav app and I love it it works really well I’ve got it angled word the driver can see it which I think is really important if you’ve got a GPS at all because you’re not going to be running with a passenger 100% of the time audio can be achieved with your smartphone using your playlists or your streaming service with a rollcage mountain it’s bluetooth to a headset or to a helmet so you need to think about all these things before you start spending money think about what your ideal setup is going to be whether you’re using headsets helmets or nothing whether you want to use the music from your smartphone or you have no problem in putting it into a tablet or you’d rather run a Bluetooth stereo setup common with popular brands such as like a Rockford Fosgate determine your priorities do you want to have a loud stereo does your group use an internal intercom set up with the entire riding group and you need some communications to communicate is a GPS a deal-breaker for you think about how you’re going to be using any or all of these together if they’re going to be all ran off of a iPad or tablet or if you’re going to just use your smart phone you can start off simple by downloading a free GPS app on your smart phone and you can check periodically throughout your ride but being able to see the trail where you’re going leaving a breadcrumbs so you don’t get turned around in the dunes is a really great way to have just a better overall experience and become a better driver and focus more on driving the vehicle first worry about where you’re going if you’re going to install a stereo do you want to use a head unit that’s Bluetooth controlled so you can use the music off of your smartphone brands like Rockford Fosgate have setups like this dialed you can add more speakers and subwoofers depending on how loud you want to go and these systems tend to work better in my opinion sound better than door mounted speaker options that I’ve heard and listened to most people are not going to take the time to upload their music into a tablet that is native to your vehicle so just be real with how you get your music is the easiest to get it out of your smart phone and think of a system that’s gonna integrate the best with that if you’re gonna go with a in-car intercom set up there are some Bluetooth options now or you can sync to some music why are those into your headset and/or helmet and it’s a great experience it’s gonna take up more of your valuable – space so think about where that would be that doesn’t necessarily need to be right in front of the driver whereas they could still reach and adjust from the passenger side but if that’s something that your group uses make sure you have that piece installed first to have your ideal location set up that can be a little out of the way doesn’t need to be right in front of you like your GPS would but you still need a lot of space for it and figure out if you want to go ahead and link that to your headset so you can enjoy music while you ride and the last tip are you just going to simply use your smartphone there’s a lot of nice mounting step so you can mount your smartphone right to your roll cage so you can see GPS functions you can access your music and change if you’re sending music through your helmet via bluetooth or just using it to maybe send and receive calls missed text messages etc so if you’re just going to be using your smart phone to get started make sure you’ve got a setup that integrates with your helmet and/or headphones so you can communicate listen to music or just have it where you need it for a GPS setup thanks for watching and make sure if you’re a Polaris RZR owner to download our free guide on our 7 tips for setting up your new side-by-side.