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Chupacabra Offroad tested two of the top choices for 32" SxS tires for Southwest Desert rats on all conditions: Rock Crawling in Moab, Off-Road racing in the Best in the Desert Vegas 2 Reno, and everywhere in between.
2018 Polaris RZR 4 Turbo Walker Evans Edition
Chupacabra Offroad Side Mirrors
Chupacabra Offroad Door Bags
Shock Therapy Stage 4 Dual Rate Spring Kit w/ silent crossover rings
32" ITP Ultracross R Spec Tires
15x6" Walker Evans Racing Beadlock wheels
SDR Motorsports Super Shorty Cage
Rigid D- Series Headlight Mount Lights
Rigid D-Series Driving A Pillar lights
Mictuning 30" LED Light Bar
PRP 3" 5 point harnesses
DragonFire Pass-throughs
Ogio/ Polaris Storage bag
UTV Giant lower doors
Rugged Radios RH-5R handheld radio
What's happening YouTube welcome back to Pokhara offroad today we're talking tires got two of the best options for Southwest riders ITV ultra cross our specs versus the BFG KR 2 32 inch tire showdown so when I purchase both sets of tires I found the BFGS online at a big online retailer for 258 dollars apiece and the eye teepees were about a hundred and seventy one hundred seventy five of PEEP a fast forward to today and the B of G's are now three nineteen from the same retailer whereas I ATP's are down to 155 one of the questions we have to answer are the BFGS twice as good they're almost double the price so on paper the ITP tire stayed there ten inches wide and the BFG say they're 9.5 inches wide but in real life that half inch on paper ends up being a big difference as you'll see here and the results I'm about to reveal so according to both the websites for ITP and for BF Goodrich they both weigh in around 39 39 and a half and for the wheels the km C's are about 17 point one the Walker Evans are about 18 seat-of-the-pants when it came to feeling the horsepower acceleration braking I really didn't notice any difference they're very evenly matched so before I had these two tires my experience started off way back in 2013 with XP for one thousand and a 30-inch conadi mongrel time if you were in the sport back then you know that the manga role was the tire to have it was pretty much the first company to come to market with a really good option for a thirty inch size built specifically for a UTV they were lightweight they held up pretty well maybe they wore okay they slipped very well but I had some issues with sidewalls I blew out three sidewalls and those tires and was also co riding in a vehicle that also a lot of sidewall so from the mongrels I went to the pro armor or the Moto race tire crawler X G's I tried these in a thirty inch tire and a 32 inch tire put about a thousand miles on each of those really liked those tires they were a little bit heavier the 32 weighs in at about 42 pounds but never really had to worry with any flat situations I like those better than the mongrels the open tread pattern worked better in sand washes and they held up better so I was really impressed with those I remember one time I was in Baja we're doing a long day I was about 160 miles from the coast of her enduro all went to koyoteranch kind of in the middle of the Baja Peninsula last place you'd want a flat and I remember just hitting a rock really hard and I really couldn't believe that I didn't do something that sidewall our flat two front tire so was a fan of those tires even though they were heavy so first off I picked up the ITP ultra crossed our specs I put them on my 2018 razor for turbo took those out of my local backyard in Arizona out here I like the eye teepees you could tell they felt a little bit lighter and a little bit quicker than the setup I was running before which was a heavier wheel and a heavier tire combo they feel pretty predictable when your car is sliding you knows you're for me I'm trying to get better as a driver let's say I'm four-wheel drifting fast around a sweeping turn they felt predictable when they would break loose they felt they feel good they felt they felt confidence-inspiring I would say they felt maybe a little more skatey a little less grippy I would say because maybe because the tread tread isn't as deep as the crawlers but they didn't feel out of control so then I picked up the bf G's the first thing I did was take it on a 300 mile ride down in Sonora Mexico this ride is really fun it's a it's really rare that it's a hardpack ride with mill rocks there is such a thing it's sandy there's some high speed stuff there's some fun to tack trails there's some whoops a lot of Beach riding very fun environment to ride in didn't wasn't really the best test of the BFG durability per se but the grip enos and the traction sand love how the tires worked out they're like the noticeably right away I could feel the height a living feeling a little bit taller when you compare them side by side with the ITP ultra spec we get to the beach on this ride in Mexico I like to screw off and try to do a couple donuts and one thing I noticed right away is that the tire is really gripped and I felt really squirrely just trying to do some donuts the tires hook up and want to give the car kind of that tippy feeling which kind of a little unsettling compare so I get the Razorback home from the Mexico ride had a lot of fun first thing I did was take the BFGS back here to our local environment and one thing I also notice right away is the extra cushion and the comfort I couldn't tell as much in Mexico because it wasn't as rocky but when you get back in a rocky or rougher environment you can tell the tread pattern is just a little bit more comfortable than the IT you just it's not like the vehicle has more suspension travel it just feels a little bit like kind of like when you upgrade from regular seats to suspension seats there's just a little bit more comfort there that I noticed so I took the BFGS to my lab amazing traction they worked unbelievable I put him at 13 psi I definitely could have dropped down to eight or ten was really impressed with how long it worked even with the narrower tread pattern I didn't have hardly any slippage traction was amazing I didn't tackle all the hardest obstacles but hopefully a next year now that I've got a real ride under my belt I'll I'll go conquer the hot tub so I tested the IAT peas in Vegas outside of Las Vegas there's a fun ride to Pioneer saloon fast there's some fast sweeping turns there's some a little bit of rutted turns tires were great like I said coming off of the B of G's you can tell they're predictable when they slide Razer 1932 inch bo2 tires I didn't feel any of that sensation in the wider vehicle I also felt like there was almost any rock or rut or anything we could hit that was gonna flat those tires they just felt bulletproof i TP ultra cross r-spec pros the dollar to performance ratio is really really high great working tire for the price they're really predictable when you're sliding four-wheel drifting back-end breaking loose you kind of know what the vehicles gonna do once they lose traction the wear is pretty reasonable I'd say you're gonna get in the Southwest desert 1,500 to 2,000 miles in my opinion the cons are there are not as grippy as the bf G's a little skate e I would say in comparison they don't wear near as long nor are they as comfortable on rocky harsh terrain as the B of Courage tires BFG pros exceptional grip anywhere I mean rocks of moab any other dry condition that i tested them in they were amazing they were very comfortable the extra cushion feel of the tread was noticeable and a little more comfortable when you're even going slow or fast just over really harsh rocks a little extra height I love when I am in a really rough situation like guys are Luke Parker prim and I'm not dragging or bottoming out the rear of the four seat razor two thumbs up on those the big con for the BFGS I noticed was it gives a sixty four inch wide side by side a tippy feel these tires really excel for a 72 inch wide platform like an XR s can-am turbo S or a razor with a long travel kit for my money I'm gonna go with my ATV ultra cross r-spec we've got a new race razor build got to pay for a full set of tires as well as spares the ITP is amazing it's got a good it's got a great track record and racing a lot of results a lot of wins for the IE tepees as well I think for the non race or the ITP is a great choice reasonable weight not too reasonable weight they wear well good traction and when they do break loose they let you know when they're gonna break loose not as grippy as a BF Goodrich don't wear as long as we have Goodrich but we're talking essentially almost half the cost if you're looking to buy a new set today get the bf G's if you have a 72 inch wide vehicle if you want amazing traction comfort and grip in almost any situation and you really want that narrow tall profile which is ideal for deep ruts Racing types in there if you liked this video go ahead and comment below let me know if you've run one of these tires if you like it if you had similar experiences if you didn't or if there's another tire that you love and you'd like to talk about you think needs to be compared thanks for watching please like and subscribe and we've got more great content coming your way do you believe.